I have been homeschooling for 20 years, and have 3 homeschool graduates. I have decided twice before to try Charlotte Mason methods in our homeschool, but always chickened out at the last minute and gone back to what I was comfortable with. I did do our chosen curriculum in a more relaxed manner, and am not unhappy with the education my children have received thus far, but feel that I have to make a change if I want to keep my sanity:) I will have an 11th grader, a 9th grader, a 7th grader, and a 3rd grader next year. Since my oldest will not have an opportunity to do more than two of the history guides from SCM, I asked her what time periods she wanted to study. She is finishing up a whole year of in-depth US history, so I was pretty sure she wouldn’t want to do the Modern Times study! The soon to be 9th grader won’t be able to do all 6 time periods SCM covers in their history guides, but I feel that he has been pretty well exposed to all of them in his previous studies, so I’m ok with what we will be able to cover. Does your 12th grader have an opinion? I’m hoping to make learning fun for all of us again!