We are trying to find cute doll clothes for our dds 12″ Corolle Asian dolls. They sell some outfits on Toys R Us for $20. Trying to find cute clothes for cheaper if that is possible! We’ve tried e bay (too old) and Target (too big).
Tara, do you sew or knit? We have run into the same problem and ended up making our own. I can give you a few links to patterns if that would help you out.
lol I can hand sew (we don’t have a sewing machine) but it doesn’t always turn out pretty. I’ve tried some simple patterns with scraps i had for fun but didn’t like how it turned out. I think we may just go with this website:
I think the Corolle clothes are higher quality than say Target or Walmart and so at least they’ll last with the doll. The girls are using their money they have saved up from gifts to buy an outfit.
Gaeleen – I know I didn’t start this post, but if you’d share the links for the patterns you’d have I would love that!! I have been starting to teach my DD to sew and finding a good pattern has not been easy. I also knit and crochet a little bit and DD wants to learn that to. I am always looking for a new pattern or something that I can work with DD on.