I have some old materials I found while “still” unpacking form our move. I have some school items I’d like to sell. I don’t want to do ebay and I’ve tried our local craigslist.
Any idea’s on where to sell these to get rid of them?
Ok.. so it seems that many of you don’t sell your items or just don’t have a site you’d like to offer 🙂
What do you do with items that have never been used and/or are software related? You can’t all just throw them away. What type of suggestions do you have? I could really use the money to buy books we do need.
Can I ask why you don’t want to do ebay? We have sold alot of homeschool items on ebay and it has worked out wonderfully. Its very easy to do and we’ve always gotten quite a good return on everything that we sell. I’m sorry that I don’t have any other ideas for you. Hope you get some other suggestions.
I’ve sold some of my things through homeschool group “garage/book sales.” Of course, this is most effective towards the end of a school year or the beginning. I’ve never sold anything on line, but I’ve bought several things from the HSLDA curriculum market. I’ve had nothing but good results there. If I were to sell, I would probably post there. I think the only drawback is that they don’t have as much “advertising” as sites such as e-bay or craigslist.