Where do you start with SCM History/Geo/Bible when you didn't finish last year?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Where do you start with SCM History/Geo/Bible when you didn't finish last year?

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    Last year, we started out the year with the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation and Epistles.  I was so excited about this time period.  Just prior to us starting our school year, I had a miscarriage, followed a few months later by finding out I was pregnant again.  Then my husband went to work for another company in another state, followed by traveling to find a house, going back home to pack and then moving.  All this time I was pregnant and I had the baby at the end of April.  All of this to say, it’s been a crazy season.  We only got through Term 1 of the History/Geo/Bible guide, which has never happened before because we always finish.  What do you recommend?  What do you mamas do when you have crazy seasons like this?  Do you just pick up right where you left off?  I’m trying to decide if I should start off with Early Modern or finish Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles?  I mainly hate the idea of putting myself in the position where I will be able to start Early Modern later this year but not finish it, which will spill over into upcoming years.  It’s just not ideal, but some seasons just aren’t ideal.  Ugh, any advice from you mamas who have been there would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance!



    I would either pick up where you left off and add a few more living books to make it last a year, or go on to the next guide and start fresh this school year.

    Because you will cycle back it is not necessary to finish the guide, you will revisit the time period.

    Take a look at the scheduled books, decide what interests you and go for it 🙂 I have had to give myself permission to do what I want and not just what the curriculum says so many times.

    Tamara Bell


    I was very sorry to read of your loss.

    Give yourself permission and grace to move forward.  My suggestion would be to continue with the Middle Ages guide.  We always recommend moving forward in history and not skipping around.  I understand the season of struggle. It took us almost 3 yrs to complete Early Modern and Modern.  During those 3 yrs we lost a baby, we had a baby, and we almost lost my husband.  Never, ever feel like a failure.  Education is SO much more than the books.

    If it feels “off” to pick up another module in term 3 of your school year then you could extend your Middle Ages studies or give yourself permission to take the 1 term off from formal history and geography studies.

    There are no CM or SCM police though.  lol.  If you need to move on to the next guide for a fresh start, then go for it!


    Thanks ladies!  Tamara, thank you!  It does sound like you understand this season.  I think I will continue from where we left off.  Thanks for the encouragement.   Did I meet you at the Atlanta Teach Them Diligently Convention (not this past summer, but the one before that)?   Are you Sonya’s assistant?


    Tamara Bell


    I have not been to a TTDC.  I’d take a guess that you met Laura.  Isn’t she wonderfully encouraging?!


    Yes, I think it was Laura that I met.  Yes, she was great and so helpful!  🙂

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