Where are they now? Calling all the old school homeschool mommas!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Where are they now? Calling all the old school homeschool mommas!

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  • Melanie32

    Hi everyone! I used to be a regular poster here and I check back in every now and then. I often wonder about all of the people who used to be active on this forum and how they and their children are doing now.

    So I thought I’d start a thread to see if y’all ever check in like I do. Holly? Erin? Christie? Bookworm? Robin? Tristan? I know I’m leaving so many out but those are the few I can remember off the top of my head!

    I thought it would be lovely to hear about all of you and how you and your families are doing these days. Anybody still around?


    Hi Melanie! I still check in once in awhile, too. Nice to see you here! What are your kids up to?

    I’ve graduated two who are both in the work force. My third enters grade 12 this fall. I’ll be homeschooling 3 this year. It feels like my school is shrinking quickly now. 🙂

    I will add KeriJ to your list of people I would like updates from.


    Hey! I haven’t always been a regular poster, but used to check in a lot. I left FB and kind of fell out of the loop so I am trying to check in a bit more often.

    Our oldest graduated in May and is now working full time. We are down to homeschooling 2 teenagers which will seem weird come fall. I’m still kind of in denial and trying to figure out how to move forward. My last two kiddos learn much differently than their older brother and, while their personalities are very similar to each other, they are so different than my oldest. Time is wearing thin. It’s almost August! Lol!


    Hi Erin! It’s so good to hear from you! I’m glad to hear you and your family are doing well. What grade is your youngest in? Are you enjoying these last few years or are you just tired after homeschooling so many? I so miss homeschooling!

    My son will be turning 28 soon.😳 He is still working for the company that he started with right out of high school. He was accepted into their apprenticeship program a few years ago and they put him through school to be a diesel mechanic. He got married last December so grandchildren are very likely in my near future.

    My daughter is now 21 and in college. She is planning on getting her masters degree in occupational therapy. My son was in a terrible car accident last year and we almost lost him but, all praise be to God, he is healed and finally back at work. My daughter saw how much OT helped him and decided she wanted to do that for others.

    Homeschooling has been a huge blessing to both of my kids and both were very well  prepared for higher education. My son and daughter in law plan on homeschooling their kids.

    I worked for a year but have otherwise continued to be a homemaker for the most part. My daughter does much of her schooling online at this point so she is still here with me most of time. I may go back to work once she leaves the nest. It will feel so empty here!

    Do you have any plans for your post homeschooling years?


    Hi Momto3blessings! It’s so good to hear from you as well! 😊 Homeschooling 2 teens! Sounds like you’ll have a busy year. I hear you about our kids being different. My two are polar opposites! I hope y’all have a wonderful year!


    Sounds like your kids are doing well, Melanie! Congrats on the wedding! The accident must have been a stressful time. I’m sorry you had to go through that but thankful your son is ok.

    My youngest is grade 5 so I have a number of years left with her. But I’m not sick of teaching at all. I still love it. I don’t have any plans post homeschooling right now but we’ll see what happens by then. I can’t imagine just quitting, having gained all this knowledge and experience!

    This will be our 17th year this fall. Time does go by so quickly.


    Erin-you still have a ways to go! Lucky you😊.

    You are so right! Time flies by faster every year.

    I’m so glad to hear that you and your family are well! praying you have a wonderful school year!🙏🏻💗


    I am in tears having found this thread! It is the result of following a rabbit trail of articles today while researching various teaching philosophies for early education centers.  And here I am, feeling like I’ve stepped into a reunion of old friends.  That’s what this forum was to me–homeschooling friends alongside me for support.

    My 25yo daughter graduated in 2016 and works in the banking industry (despite having often declared, “I hate math!”)  She has a 3yo son who calls me “Gah.”  Actually, I work in administration at his daycare, and his entire class calls me Gah, LOL.

    My 24yo middle child graduated from public high school in 2019, after working with some wonderful special ed & typical-ed teachers, many of whom prayed for him right along with me.  He now works in loss prevention at a big box home improvement store and is starting the criminal justice program at community college this fall.

    My 22yo daughter missed her homeschool commencement in 2019 because she joined the Army that May, and apparently they don’t like to be kept waiting.  Unfortunately, just 2 weeks before the end of basic training, she suffered shoulder and back injuries, so eventually they sent her home.  Post-recovery, she has been working as an assistant manager at a restaurant, but she hopes to start college in the near future.

    The nest is empty, but I’m having a great time with my grandson who likes to say, “Mommy goes to work at the piggy bank, and I go to work at the daycare with Gah.”  I do sometimes miss crafting and implementing the education of my children.

    I hope that all of the newer moms here fully realize what a blessing it is to reap the benefits of the efforts and experience of the Shafers & Smiths, and really all of us who have been on this homeschooling journey with Simply Charlotte Mason.

    Among many others, I, too, have wondered how Tristan is doing.  I used to read her blog articles, especially about her son, Mason.  As it happens, my grandson’s name is Mason!


    Oh, I’m glad to hear from you ladies! I love hearing how everything is going for you all. I learned so much from everyone 13 years ago when I started homeschooling. Missceegee, Bookworm, Missingtheshire, Sue, Tristan, Robin, Mysteriousladyinpink, and others were particularly influential in my journey.  In fact, one of my friends that I met on this forum and I are still in contact. We met in person the year Sonja, Doug, and Karen came to the conference in St. Louis.  We’ve had a CM online study group with ladies all over the US since 2016. It has been a blessing!

    I’ve wondered about you, Sue, quite a few times. I miss your late night spam catching humor! =) I’m glad that things worked out for your kids and that you get to be Gah! How fun!


    I’m not really old school as my oldest is only 12, but I think I started reading this forum 8 years ago. I also have read many many old threads looking for ideas and thoughts.  I really miss the “Do it Yourself” feel of those older threads  This forum has changed alot in the last 8 yrs. I remember and miss you all and your advice!)


    I concur Ruralmama.  I have only been on the forum about 7 or 8 years.  My kids are all high school, or graduated now, but I miss the days when this forum was more active.  It really felt like all of those ladies were my friends and mentors.  I think the younger families are all using the facebook page, more than this forum, which doesnt feel as “family like” to me.  Technology is so useful, but can make life seem less personal.  I miss all of the “old school” mamas.

    Karen Smith

    CrystalN is correct that many of the new homeschoolers are on the Facebook group. I must admit I miss the old days of the forum too. Activity on Facebook goes by so fast and it is hard to develop a community of encouragement. While there is some of that community flavor on Facebook, it is not like it was on the forum, where moms felt free to share homeschooling tips and wisdom, personal struggles and prayer requests, and even recipes.

    I think there was/is a greater respect for older homeschool moms on the forum than there is on Facebook. Many new-to-homeschool moms on the forum really appreciated/appreciate the encouragement and advice given to them by the more seasoned moms. There is that same dynamic on SCM’s Facebook group, but overall, Facebook just has a flavor of stating opinions.

    Thank you to all of you ladies who have shared and continue to share your wisdom and experience to those who do post on the forum. Your advice given with grace is much appreciated!

    I’ll also give you an update on myself and Sonya. Our kids are all adults now. My oldest son, Jordan, who many of you know through customer service and here on the forum, is married to Sonya’s second daughter, Ruth. Sonya and I share four granddaughters. The oldest is being homeschooled with CM/SCM, with the second oldest joining in at times and more formally next year. Our other children are working and living their own lives, with the exception of Sonya’s special needs daughter who continues to learn through homeschooling.


    Sue! When I posted I kept thinking of the mom with the chicken icon but your name wasn’t coming to me! It’s so good to hear from you!

    I’m glad to hear you and your family are doing well. Hard to believe we are all getting to the grandma stage! Your grand baby sounds adorable!

    I agree that this forum was such a blessing to me and I am so thankful for the Shafers and Smiths as well! We had so many great conversations and it was such a wonderful place to be encouraged in our homeschooling endeavors.

    I remember you too Sheraz! How is your family doing?

    Ruralmama-yes I loved that about this forum too! I’m not in homeschool circles anymore as all of my friends are done as well but I hear that homeschooling has changed a lot in the last few years.

    Hi Crystal! Yes, the ladies on this forum felt like old friends. 😊

    Karen-thanks so much for taking the time to update us all! I have often wondered about you and Sonya and how your families are doing. That is so neat that y’all share four grand babies!!

    Praying God blesses each one of you and your families and thank y’all for being a part of my homeschooling days! Such great memories! 💗🙏🏻






    I’m still around and peek in from time-to-time.  I agree, the forum was great when it was so active.  I honestly prefer it to social media because, like Karen mentioned, things happen so fast and get lost by the wayside.  I do try to offer encouragement on the SCM FB group when I can tho.  It’s a blessing to see so many excited about teaching their children at home.

    I just graduated my last of four in June (after using CM methods since the fall of 2011 when I found SCM).  It’s been a bittersweet time.  It went entirely too fast and I feel like I’m still learning so much and was not ready for it to end.  I know we’re making life-long-learners when we teach our children and I too am one of those, but there is something so special about learning alongside the ones you have loved on since the day they were born.

    My oldest lives on her own and is working full time managing an office and loves it.  My second oldest is married with a son and another son due near the end of the year.  They live close and so we see them regularly and have a close relationship with our grandson.  It’s really a blessing to me to watch the world through a toddler’s eyes again.  My middle son works for a landscaping company doing hardscape work operating heavy equipment and is still aspiring to start his own excavating business in the next few years (he still lives at home), and my youngest son that just graduated, started a job with the local train switching yard about a month ago and loves it (also still living at home).  It’s so fun to see how the things they loved and wanted to do when they were younger, they are doing now.  We are thankful for the opportunities they have been blessed with.

    So now I flounder around trying to find my new groove.  I think there will be a bit of a mourning period that will happen soon since we usually started school at the end of September and that void will be apparent once the garden is cleaned up and the rain falls steadily.  I know the Lord has a lot for me still at 48.  I do look forward to putting my sewing skills back into practice and I just started milling my own whole wheat and making bread, so that is fun and a great learning time for me.  Of course I want to continue to grow in my Bible knowledge and my relationship with Jesus.  There is so much to do, I just have to jump in and not overthink it (which I often do).  I will continue to peek in from time to time.  I really do need to go through some of my school things and cull what I don’t want to save, but I’m just not quite ready for that.


    Hi Melissa! It’s so good to hear from you!

    Congrats on graduating your youngest! It is bittersweet isn’t it? I really miss homeschooling but now, 3 years after graduating my youngest, I am settling into a bit of a groove. Praying for you as you make the transition. It’s so hard to be done with something that has been so fulfilling and has taken up so much of our time for so many years!


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