When you will start school again?

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    We starting back tomorrow (the 2nd).  We’re going to start history Mod 1.  We were covering American history and have a few books left.  I may assign some as independent reading and use some as read alouds.  

    I’m also going to add a morning basket. I first read about them here: http://blogshewrote.blogspot.com/2012/09/morning-basket.html .  Basically it’s a basket with devotionals, Bible, prayer journals, and prayer sticks.  It seems like a great way to start our morning.  I’ll also add our scripture memory box to the basket.  


    Love the basket idea! After reading her blog, I will definitely begin this tomorrow. We may not start our day this way, but having the items I want to use for our character/devo/scripture mem. time in the same place, looks beautiful. And, I love the prayer sticks!

    Thanks for sharing.

    And we start tomorrow, the 2nd. We’ll start out slow this week and be ready for a full schedule by next week.


    We are starting again tomorrow (2nd).  I have hyperemisis, so we haven’t been schooling since the end of October when my morning sickness became too severe to continue.  We’ll be starting off very light, with mostly independent work, and take it day by day depending on how I’m feeling.  I’m at 14 weeks so I’m praying that the end of my hyperemisis is coming soon so we can get back to a normal routine!!


    Starting back tomorrow. Finishing up older kids with their Math u See. I am continuing with phonics with my DD & MUS.  I am also continuing all the other subjects.   For the new year I plan on adding more file folders for sentence structure also with more games. 🙂


    We are starting the 7th so next Monday. The biggest change I’m making is adding sight words back to our schedule (maybe not too CM). And I’m adding a virtual timeline using an app I got during the holidays…so no big things like changing curriculum but still exciting specially the timeline!


    @Tristan, I don’t know why it takes us so long! I really wish it didn’t. Every day we do math, Bible/history, copywork, science, read-aloud, and I read-aloud a lit book we’re working on. Then there’s usually one add-in each day…art, music, nature study. Maybe with all the bathroom breaks, some fooling around that goes on. I try to make it fun and not bark at them too much to get going, you know?  I have two girls, ages 8 and 10. They do everything together except my older dd does grammar twice a week. My younger dd has mild autism so she can’t complete anything independently, she gets too distracted.

    I’m not feeling overwhelmed, I just wish that I had more time in the day to do other things. Most days when we do schoolwork there is only time for one other activity before I need to start dinner. It is going to be an outing (exercise), meeting up with the homeschool group, or errands. I wish I could fit more in my day! I long to work on a sewing project for me! Smile

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