When you will start school again?

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    Will there be any changes?  If so, what?


    We started today. Slowly. Bible, math, piano, spelling. Yes changes for us. Scaling back, simplifying, shoring up some skills.


    We will probably start again on the 7th – although it is a birthday so it’ll be a light day.   I may start having them do some light days on the 2nd or so….  probably my 4R’s   (Religion, Reading, wRiting, and aRithmatic)    (aka, scriptures, reading from something, copywork, and math….)


    I am adding in All About Spelling for my oldest.  Although he is reading on grade level, he has been unofficially tested to have Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dysnomia.   (problems with reading well, problems with writing/spelling, problems with speaking.)   Although he is 9, he can’t spell really at all – and some of the mistakes just don’t make sense.   (ie, things like “ice” being spelt something like “imr”.  The spelling I started with him this year (meant for 2nd graders originally – starts with mostly 3 and 4 letter words) has done nothing for him except make me realize how bad it is!    I am debating starting my 7yo with it too – she is also showing dyslexic tendancies – and the one test I had the kids do (just tested reading) shows that although she is well above grade level in reading, that she is showing symptoms too….


    Ack! It lost my response. Let’s try this again…

    We start tomorrow (the 1st). We’re switching to Mystery of History Vol 1 Creation to Resurrection, new to us. Older kids chose science topics:

    11yo doing Introduction to Genetics with a lapbook as the framework and lots of library books.

    8yo doing Volatile Volcanoes Download N Go

    7yo doing Astonishing Animals Download N Go

    “Rowing” books with my younger 4 boys gently. The first five books of the year are:

    Curious George

    Katy No-Pocket

    The Mitten

    Armadillo Rodeo

    Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel

    Most other things stay the same. MUS for all, Queen’s Language Lessons for the Very Young for 7 and 8 yo, Analytical Grammar at half speed for the 11yo. Notebooking, oral narrations, lots of read alouds, handicrafts, Legos, scripture memory, hymns, etc.

    Daddy is off tomorrow so we’re excited to share a ‘first day of school 2013’ with him. He always makes things fun.


    We probably won’t start until February sometime…but that’s because we’re moving internationally next week. We schooled throughout the summer so that we could take our longer break now. We do a Jan-Dec school year, so it will also be the start of our new school year once we’re ready to get going again. We will be using a slightly modified AO Year 1 for dd7, which will be new for us (we sort of did our own thing last year, which was kind of AO in style without really knowing it.) Continuing with Math U See and all the other ‘normal’ things – nature study, copywork, oral narration, read alouds, Bible/Scripture Memory/Hymns, etc. We’re dropping AAS as dd was getting bored with it and wanted to “learn harder words”, so will probably do a combination of transcription and word building type lessons using the first Spelling Wisdom book as a framework (she’s a little young for full dictation lessons yet), and may be trying some notebooking for the first time this year too, since dd’s writing interest/ability as blossomed over the past year. That’s the plan at least!



    Started today. No real changes other than more independent reading for my 9yos.


    We start back 1/7. Not changing much except to hopefully get caught up in the fine arts department. That always gets left off the list if life gets too busy.



    We’ve been doing “school light” the last month or so, taking off when dh was home. We’ll start our full schedule (or at least what I can remember to do) next week. We’ll continue reading through both Old and New Testaments, scripture memory, poetry, world geography, Salsa for Spanish, read alouds, reading to me. When I remember, we’ll do composer, hymn, nature, and picture study. We’ll continue copywork. Ds8 (9 in Feb) is still not ready for transcription.

    New: He picks science topics, so we’ll be doing rocks for a few weeks. After that, who knows?

    I want to ditch Simply Spelling but haven’t decided what to use yet. I know CM said not to start spelling until 4th grade or later, but he needs help (or at least acts like he does).

    Bring back Language Arts once a week with the Ruth Heller books and looking for target part of speech in selected passages. We have two terms left for the year, so we’ll probably do verbs and pronouns. Might be able to use the selections from Simply Spelling for this or for copywork.

    Starting multiplication in math (no formal curriculum).


    Hey MamaSnow – what modifications are you making to AO1?  (I have kids doing a modified AO1 and AO2 – I like to get an idea of modifications others have made….)


    We started today. We did math, history/Bible, they read-aloud, I read-aloud, copywork, and a study of The Beatitudes. We are adding astronomy this week, we just bought Apologia. I’m also considering starting recorder, along with learning to read music. A year ago I bought nice recorders and a study book from Oak Meadow but never did anything. My girls are interested in singing in church choir and the director told me that the first step is learning to read music. That means that I need to learn too. LOL But I’ve always wanted to learn.

    I’m a little concerned because our schoolday is already 4 hours long, now with the science and music added in it’ll be longer.


    We started back today.  My ds was asking for lessons yesterday so we did a bible lesson.  This morning we did a little math, handwriting and tried our hands at origami.   Just easing back in slowly because dh is off this week.  I don’t think I am making any curriculum changes, but I am going to get more nature study and handicrafts in this spring.  

    Katrina in AK

    We also started again today.  Some changes—instead of doing two literature read alouds during the week, we’ll finish one at a time (if I can find the one….where, oh where has my Charlotte’s Web gone?).  Had planned to start 106 Days as soon as we finish Outdoor Secrets, but am shelving it until later.  Will continue with birds and simple machines.  Copywork, we will be starting Character Italic Basic Print.  Including more books from Sonlight P3/4 for my DS4, as he wants to be in on more stories.  Wanting to GET OUT for nature study; hopefully a more focused bird study will help with that?

    I wish I could say that I was organized and ready to go, but find myself EXTREMELY frustrated with my lack of organization/inability to find what I want.  Time to purge?  😉


    @suzukimom: for AO Year 1, we are following the history and literature suggestions pretty much as written, except for that we will read Dangerous Journey in place of Aesop because we already read Aesop this year. I divided it out over 26 weeks (generally 2-6 pages per week, depending on where the natural stopping places were). We are going to do CM’s Elementary Geography and The Eskimo Twins for geography (in place of Paddle) and Wild Animals from Africa in place of the Burgess Bird Book and the Herriot stories (which we’ve also already read) – since we are outside North America. We will probably read the Burgess and Paddle later as family read alouds next time we are in the USA for a year (and one of my younger 2 will likely be in Year 1 that year anyhow.) We are going do the AO artists, but our own choices for hymns and composers.




    melindab72 – if you don’t mind my asking, what was your day like to take 4 hours? How many kids are you working with, what grades, and what do they do combined and on their own? I know the group here is great at brainstorming ways to streamline subjects so it doesn’t take all day. Now if you have a high schooler they’re obviously going to have a lot of independent reading and studies, but if your kids are elementary or even early middle school 4 hours sounds long. (My seven are middle school down to baby, we don’t spend 4 hours. But we also don’t do every subject every day.) Maybe start a new thread if you want to chat about streamlining the day? And if not, just ignore me! LOL!


    Starting back on Wednesday. We did our switch up for 3rd grade a couple months ago to just Paths of Exploration and Critical Thinking Mathematical Reasoning so won’t be making in any other changes right now. 

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