32…ha…41 over here with an 8mo old nursing baby plus the other 3–oldest being 7.
what if you keep having days like this…
struggling right now. on many fronts. making small headway. at war with obedience issues, too much stuff (clutter) issues, weird health issues, subsequent diet/cooking issues, wanting to do too much issues, unclean house issues, organization issues (which is funny considering my previous professions), where to even start issues, curriculum issues (again trying to do too much so not doing enough), perfection issues, depression issues, sleep deprivation issues, and guilt…i’m eat up with guilt…that i’m not doing enough, being enough, stimulating my dd extremely bright mind enough, etc.etc. etc….
am making small headway…took kitchen back yesterday. cooked today and lost some ground there…but recoverable.
won with daughter and obedience after two days of battles. today was third day…went amazingly better today. this is huge…can’t do many of the fun things we want to do with a constant battle…
but deeply tired. in pain. and hungry…the new way of eating is hard right now–snacks are hard to think of…
and sad. i kept crying out to GOD to help me…and He has been faithful and I am making progress…
but I keep falling down…and sometimes, I don’t seem to even want to get back up.
and schedules vs. routines…and oh, too much …