when to take a break with new baby coming?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules when to take a break with new baby coming?

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  • mamakof4

    With our new school year beginning next month and baby number 4 due early march, I am wondering when I should plan a break into our schedule and what we should take a break from. Do you take a break from all subjects and just do read alouds and such? Do you homeschool until you have the baby and then break as long as needed or do you break awhile before your due date?

    Any suggestions would be great!

    Christine Gayfer

    Our 8th baby is now 3.5 weeks old.  What I usually do is about 3 weeks before I expect to give birth, we take a full week off school (or sometimes two).  I get the house in order for baby’s arrival (setting up for homebirth, cleaning, etc.), I work on any fun projects (like sewing new diapers) related to baby and I sometimes make freezer meals.  By the end of the week, my goal is to feel totally relaxed and prepared for baby.  I know I am not ready if I have one of my many false-alarm ‘labours’ and I find out I am very stressed out.  It is actually a great way to find out what I still need to do!  I make sure the kids aren’t getting a free ride during this week and they are assigned jobs each day, but it is still a fun week for everyone.

    Then, we continue homeschooling until I give birth or until I am a week or so overdue (whichever comes first).  At that point, I schedule up to 6 weeks off, but start up earlier if I feel up to it.  We did start back this week, when baby was 3 weeks and it has gone well.

    I mean to do read-alouds while we are off, but I don’t usually get around to it.  I don’t stress about it and just enjoy our break.


    Expecting #8 here. I take time off as needed during the pregnancy, so when all I can do is throw up we take time off At the very end if I’m having a hard time moving and really uncomfortable we take time off. Once a baby arrives we plan to take between 4-6 weeks off. In reality my children function better on a routine and so we’ve usually been back to a light version of school around 2 weeks out. With our last baby though we were in the NICU for 10 days and he’s had lots of medical challenges and surgeries so we really did take a large chunk of time off.

    I think you can’t really plan ahead for how long you’ll take off, you just have to see in the moment.


    I agree about being flexible with your plans. Our baby is due in a little over 5 weeks. I had planned to do our full schedule of subjects until Christmas but have scaled back to copywork, math, and one read-aloud so we can get everything ready for baby’s arrival. Dd reads to her brothers almost every day so we have even set aside her Pathway reader for a time. I planned to give us all of Jan. off, but we will be flexible about that too. I do intend to keep math and good habits going. We lose ground too quickly in those areas if I am not diligent!


    We’re expecting #10.  We continue on as long as possible, making sure all is ready about a month before the baby arrives.  Our oldest is 14, so some subjects can continue on easily fairly independently.  The younger ones have a break from anything that requires a lot of assistance, normally for two or three weeks after baby is born, then we ease back into it.  As mentioned, flexibility is important – you never know just what a new person will bring into the family!


    Summary of above…..


    “When you need it”


    Yep! I need a break! Or maybe just a housekeeper… Have spent the better part of Saturday sweeping and doing laundry. Sigh. Sure was hoping to finish sewing some bibs and burp clothes today… “Nesting” is wearing me out! 🙂

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