When to start copywork

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  • mommix3

    My youngest is 5 and is now reading.She is not fluent just yet,but she is getting there. She is copying everything that she sees. Today she took the book that we are reading from and copied from it. So I’m assuming that it would be ok to start her on copywork. She knows how to write all her letters and will ask us to spell words for her while she writes them. She knows how to spell mom because of this. What do you think?




    It sounds like you have a budding reader and writer. Go to it!! And if at some point she seems to tire of it you can back off.



    I would definitely start her on copywork. But, take it slow and only for a few minutes at a time. I would definitely spend the time working on form right now rather than spelling. Getting form down early is very important.

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