When to have child do own reading

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  • After reading some posts on Narrations, it made me wonder.  When do I have my child do their own reading rather than me reading to my child.  I know that CM says around year 4 but my child is in year 1.  He can read anything I read to him.  His reading level is about grade 4 or 5.  I tend to keep reading to him so I know what he is reading and we so some narration but when do I hand it over to him?  

    I hope I am articulating this clearly.  Thanks for any input.


    Well, I know that on the Ambleside Online boards, it is generally recommended you can let the child do their own reading when they can read the books themselves and narrate well from them.

    I think that it is important to have at least one book that is read together, just for that together time.

    Also, are there other children “following” him?  That is, are you going to have family subjects?  Then I would continue doing the family readings outloud.

    hope that helps some!


    Are you thinking literature or extra reading on a topic that you are learning about as a family?  My six year old reads incredibly well, but I hesitate to assign too much independant reading next year. 

    I would choose short, one sitting books for him based on a topic that we are learning about as a family, but I’m not sure I would insist on novels yet (though that is what my son generally chooses to read).  The great thing about short non-fiction books is that you can usually read through them yourself quite quickly, so you are able to determine how well he is narrating the material back to you.  That will help you judge if he is paying attention to what he is reading and comprehending the material well. 

    My six year old finds reading so easy that it’s easy for his mind to wander if he is not really engaged in the matrial.  Though his comphension is well above grade level, there remains a big gap in what he is capable of reading and what he understands.  It’s easy to forget that sometimes.


    My son loves LOVES to read.  He does alot of independent reading with The Boxcar Children, Encyclopedia Brown, Bobbsey Twins, DK Eyewitness books etc.  I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old.  They are not that interested in sitting in while we do our other readings and lessons.  

    So at this point, I read all other subjects or my sons will read while sitting in my lap out loud.  Since it sounds like I don’t need to have him narrate EVERY subject EVERY day, I didn’t know if I could say, “Go read your poetry”.  We are doing Gen-Deut and we do this together but I didn’t know if I could say “Why don’t you go and read the commentary and let me know when you are done” if that was a subject we were not going to narrate that day.

    When he reads his independent reading, he is very good at reading and I am trying to get that same enthusiasm when we do other subjects.  I am trying to get him from repeating the last sentence in the other subjects that he has to narrate.

    Thanks for your responses.

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