When To Begin

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  • amandajhilburn

    Would it make a difference to put off teaching Latin until my children are older and have more English grammar experience? Or would it be more logical to teach Latin as they are learning more and more English grammar?

    I also want them to learn Spanish, but  I am not sure in which order to teach these languages. Greek would be helpful too with Bible study…..how do you choose what to teach and when to begin?

    (Oh yeah, and I will be learning these languages along with the children 🙂

    Michelle Kelly

    We started Latin 2 years ago with our 11 yo, and she talks often how it helps in so many ways with English grammar, science and vocabulary.  When we started into Spanish this year, she was also very excited to see how the Latin helped her understand Spanish conjegation so quickly.  We chose Spanish simply becuase I was a Spanish major in college and have traveled in Central America, hoping to take my family in the near future!

    Greek is another language I’ve been thinking about, and have decided to put it off until High School, along with French if our 11yo continues to request that language.

    I’m loving practicing my very rusty Spanish and learning Latin along with the kids.  Isn’t it great getting this education opportunity again?!



    “I’m loving practicing my very rusty Spanish and learning Latin along with the kids.  Isn’t it great getting this education opportunity again?!”

    I am always thinking about what a wonderful blessing homeschooling is for ME! I am learning so many things that I would never have even thought about if I were not teaching my children at home. It is a great blessing indeed!




    I need to learn how to quote properly LOL


    I looked at Getting Started With Latin (per the SCM curriculum guide) and I am really liking the samples. I think we will go with this Latin book for my 5th grader and some more fun Spanish exposure for both kids using cds, books, and worksheets that we already have. I think we can handle that.

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