So we happen to be year-round homeschoolers at my house. However our summer learning tends to be different than the regular school year. Sometime in August we usually have a ‘back to school’ week where we recognize we’re officially beginning the new school year. Does your family have an official start date set for the new school year? This year I’m not sure when ours will be because next week Mason has a double surgery and comes out of it with a cast for 6 weeks and other things to deal with. Once we’ve gotten home from the hospital and settled in (figured out how to do enemas around a cast, gotten through whatever ‘must not sit up’ stage he has for the hip surgery, etc etc) I’ll choose a date.
Has your year started or will it begin sooner or later? Do you have a special date set?
I just set our date about five minutes ago! Funny you should post this! We’re going to start a little earlier than usual, on August 11th. Last year we started August 13th. The year before was August 25th, and before that was the day after Labor Day. Since our recent move, I am so ready for a normal, daily routine again, and school just does that for us. I’m excited and getting everything into the Organizer makes is official for me!
I’m going to start later, since I just went through a crazy move and we’re having some serious family drama and we go away for a family reunion of sorts tomorrow and don’t get back until the 8th. So I want some “do nothing” time before I start into the school year. I just want a solid month or so, of going out very little and hunkering down at home and cherish some peace. So I’m thinking mid to late September. Or maybe just when the weather turns and the kids can’t be in the yard all day…
I don’t know yet! Yikes! We have recently switched to a year round schedule where we don’t actually have a set yearly plan but more of an overall, long term plan in which we simply “do the next thing” when finishing a given resource, course or topic, etc. In the past we usually would try to start a school year sometime in September or October depending on when we started our summer break and when we were able to take a family trip with Daddy off from work. This time, I am not even sure if we should actually even have an official start or if we just simply keep on goin’ on! :- I just don’t know…..and it’s kinda bothering me! Ha! I have never attempted this sort of planning set up before! I think it will end up being great, I just am not sure of how to work out all the little details yet.
My goal is always to start school on July1 (or thereabouts). But this year, we had a Fresh Air child over that time. So, no school. Now we’re doing 2 weeks of swimming lessons (which ARE school), but because of canning and other life-things, the “real” subjects aren’ts quite happening yet!
So, my adjusted goal for this year, is to START SCHOOL next Monday – when we’re done swimming lessons. I, too, long for rhythymic, routine days that are humdrum and just full of school, housework, and play outside.
Linabean – maybe instead of an official start you could do a fun day to celebrate homeschooling? We do “Happy Homeschool Day” or “Happy NOT Back to School Day” on the first day the public schools by us are in session. We take the day off and have some fun traditions to celebrate that we homeschool and therefore the government does not decide our schedule for us. The kids look forward to it each year and start listening for when their friends at church start back to school with anticipation because it means we’re going to have a party. Some years that party has been other homeschooled friends over for games, other years we’ve gone places like the zoo or science center and enjoyed the lack of crowds, etc.
We are required to have 180 days. When we hit 180 for the year, that year is finished. The next day we happen to “do school” begins the next year. I usually say something like, “Well you are now in ___ grade which means nothing to anyone except the state since learning is for life.” 🙂 So we have completed 18 days of the new school year since we do flexible school in the summer.
I generally start our new school year the first week in August. The past few years we homeschooled year round. This year we took off June and July for summer break. We will be starting slow to get the kids back in a routine since that has also gone out the window. We may still hit the beach in the afternoons if all work is done by one while the weather is still nice.
No set start date here. We simply roll with life (or that seems to be what is happening this year) and I cope with that to varying degrees … ha ha. We won’t get back to a really regular schedule until September. We school year round too but oddly we start a new year at the beginning of summer. It’s always worked a little better than it has this year but it’s always a learning experience – no pun intended.
We started the first Monday of July. We live in Florida and June weather is bearable but July and august are so hot it just makes sense to school during those months because the kids can only play out in the heat an Mosquitos for so long. We will finish our first term mid October and have the last 2 weeks of October off. Then our second term will be split in half by Christmas. We will have another break in March. And then 2 weeks for “summer” in June.
I would have liked to have our official start mid to late August to line up with the extra curriculars my daughter is signed up for but, our one and only summer vacation out of state to see family is the 3rd week of August and I’m sure we will need that last week to unpack, rest up etc. So it looks like with will be starting the first week of September…on Labor day. My son turns 2 that week so I’ll also be getting things ready for his party. Should be interesting.
That’s a good idea, Tristan. Maybe I’ll talk to the family about that during family evening time this week and see what everyone thinks. I have a feeling they’ll like it! : D
I plan to start back on August 4th but I’m getting a lot of backlash from the children. We usually go back the same time as the school kids during the first week of September. Dad has holiday in September which is why I’d like to start early, plus I feel it gives us a lot more flexibility plus I don’t like that my kids think that any time the school kids get a day off they ought to as well so I’d like to have a completely different schedule. We’ll see how it goes.