When do you or have you started buying/preparing for next year?

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  • Des

    I finally have a little free time today so, I thought i’d find out if anybody else had started preparing for the next school term yet. Thanks


    Des, we school year round for the most part. So I am always preparing for something. Like when math is coming towards the end I re-evaluate it to be sure it’s still the one for each child and our family. I do this for all our items that way I also don’t end up having to go and buy all our items at the same time (which I could never afford). This way we bought math for now again and I was able to buy our copywork. Next thing that is coming up will be grammer so I will start searching now to see if we stick with the same thing or change.

    Hope that helps, good luck. Don’t ever stop searching that’s my 2 cents



    Misty thank you for your response.


    Ditto Misty. 🙂


    I always start hunting after Christmas. Prices are often lower on Ebay and places like that, this early rather than late spring or summer. Got Apologia Chemistry books on the cheap already, still working on some more stuff! LOL


    We are pretty much the same as Misty.


    I’m like the others – I plan and purchase year-round, and we school year-round.

    But I must say that when autumn arrives each year, I get the back-to-school fever from my youth, and I really want new books and supplies. There is nothing as exciting as a new bottle of Elmer’s Glue and a package of #2 pencils!


    To be honest, I am not sure what I am going to do next year for HS. Money is tighter then usual and we may not be able to continue with MFW. If we don’t do that, I may have to make up my own. For some reason I am struggling with it. I was thinking unit studies of my own making, but that whole thought is totally overwhelming. Maybe a more CM based school.


    Aha, Christy, I think you’ve figured it out “a more CM based school”. 🙂 If you follow the SCM curriculum guide here, it really can be simple and inexpensive. Do you have a great library near you? You can go on your library catalog via their website and place holds on the books you’d like. There are many cost effective ways you can homeschool; anyone have anything to add?…maybe that should be a new post “Thrifty Homeschooling” 🙂

    We too, homeschool year round; purchasing what we need when we can afford it. However, like Esby, I (not my dc of course) get the autumn itch to buy that “new bottle of elmers glue and a package of #2 pencils” lol 🙂




    Heather, a Thrifty Homeschooling discussion would be great! Go for it.


    It’s so funny to read that other people have that crazy urge for Back to School shopping. I love new pencils and paper!!! LOL. I do have to say that we have been able to find most every book listed on the SCM curriculum at our library, or super cheap on Amazon marketplace. A couple of books we even got just for the $4 dollar shipping fee.

    Raising them for Him,



    As far as the new Elmer’s and pencils, you guys just need to hit Staples or Office Max when they have those things for 1c apiece. 😉 lol


    I start planning after the new year. I just bought MFW Adventures. There are just a couple more purchases to make. I am really getting some good deals this year. Slowly but surely figuring out I don’t have to have everything!



    I am also always planning. We do school year round too, so I don’t pay attention to “terms” at all. I just keep going with the next thing.

    We do, however, purchase most of the things we will need for the next full 12 month year at tax time. It’s usually the only time of year we have some extra money. We have a very modest spending limit (much less than what it would cost us to send just 1 of our dc to a private christian school) and get what we can, making sure we cover everything.

    I also have a specific amount I can spend on groceries/allergy meds/school supplies each month. So I have to look ahead a few weeks to make sure we don’t need printer paper (it seems like we’re buying that all the time…we use it for drawing, printing articles and coloring pages off the internet, making camo paper airplanes, copying workbook stuff, etc.), new colored pencils, clay, or glue sticks (another all-the-timer).

    I probably over plan, but I enjoy it.

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