When Children Love to Learn quotes

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  • JennyMN

    I’m reading through When Children Love to Learn.  Excellent book!  I wish I had discovered it sooner.  Anyway, here are a couple of quotes to ponder as we are making plans for next school year.

    Teaching is an art – and we learn through mistakes.  When students are not “latching on,” sooner or later we cast around for a different choice or arrangement.  Perhaps it is only that we are attempting too much of a good thing.  Maybe we need to cut back on the quantity of educational offerings. ~page 32


    If we want our children to stay hungry for knowledge, remain interested in questioning, enjoy the wonder of discovery, then we must leave them some clutter-free hours for friendship, the great out-of-doors, the rich world of imagination, and the satisfaction of the skilled use of art supplies, music, dance, wood and clay. ~page 38

    Rachel White

    This was one of the first books I read when mine were young. Yes, it’s excellent! I still reread it periodically.


    Jenny, I totally misread the title of this thread. I thought you were sharing some special tip about helping children to love to learn quotes. OK, time for bed for me, I think. Laughing


    Christie, that’s funny. I should have put the title in quotes since italics doesn’t work in the subject. But, yes, you probably need to call it a night. 😉


    Christie isn’t alone.  I thought the same thing.  Good night!!

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