Hello from Northern California! I keep watching the news with amazment as the huge, multi-state, red blob that says “blizzard” moves over the midwest. I thought it would be fun to do a quick survey:
Where are you, and what is the weather doing outside your window right now?
I’ll go first: In our small mountain town, at 3500′. we usually have several feet of snow on the ground right now. But these past weeks have been unseasonably warm and sunny. Right now, the sky is blue, and the temp is a balmy 50 degress!
Oh my Shawnab – 50 degrees? Well, we’re North of GR, Michigan – looking out my window right now – its blowing snow everywhere. We have a blizzard warning for the next 12 hours and are expecting 16-18 inches tonight. YIKES! I’m anxiously awaiting my husbands safe arrival from work. We’re prepared to be snowed in for the next couple of days – sip tea, sit by the fire & catch up on some great readalouds! Looking forward to hearing the forecast elswhere….
Well here in NC (Charlotte area), it is gray, overcast, with temps in the 40s. No rain, no snow. I sorta wish we would get some snow – we are recently arrived back in the US from the tropics and it would be neat for the kids to experience it…especially since we are using the seasons as the focus of our nature study during this year in North America!
Enjoy cozying up by the fire! As much as I am sure that the snow gets really old for those of you who live in the midwest and get heaps of it every year, it’s sure sounding inviting to me right now. =)
We’re in North Florida. Today was warm – 70 degrees or so. We woke to a foggy am and it stayed that way for quite a while, but while overcast it was quite warm. Snow, what’s that? I don’t think I remember.
Now don’t think we that it never gets cold. We’ve had two very cold winters in a row with temps in the 30s for days at a time. That’s COLD for people used to wearing shorts on Christmas and flip flops year round!
ETA: And when it gets even a bit cold here, it is bone-chilling because of our high humidity levels. 30 degrees here feels so much colder than 30 degrees in a drier climate.
We are near St louis, we have had ice storms all day, and everything is glazed with about 1/2 inch ice – we are supposed to get up to 6″ snow on top of that overnight, and then the power lines may come down – still we are prepared and warm right now. Linda
Kansas City, we had a thin layer of ice yesterday, then crazy snow all day! I think it has finally stopped at about 6-8 inches maybe? Which was nothing like they expected so maybe so much won’t be coming your way:) Adrienne
I’m in the Texas Panhandle. The wind has blown 20-25 mph all day long. It snowed about 2 inches last night, and snow has blown all over the place. The high today was 12, but with the wind chill factor it felt like -25…pretty cold for West Texas. All our windows are fogged up right now, due to the soup I had simmering on the stove for an hour. I’m so glad I made a last-minute trip to the grocery store yesterday. Now I won’t have to get out at all til the weekend!
Northern Colorado here. VERY cold-high of 4 degrees today. Wind chill made it worse. Snow on the ground but not coming down. Have ice on the inside of the windows!
Coldest day all winter so far and, of course, we had an appt, had to go grocery shopping (waiting for that paycheck to clear) and it’s our anniversary and we’re going out on a “real” date (babysitter and all) tonight. BRRRRR!
Cold and clear in Alberta, Canada (-30 degrees Celsius). I’m too dumb to know the conversion but I don’t mind the cold and I’m NOT going outside right now barring an emegency 🙂
We are in Northern CA….not too north, but north enough, about 30 minutes south of Sacramento. Currently it is 62 outside, sunny, clear skies…the boys are wearing shorts or pants/socks/shoes/t-shirts…I’m in pants/shirt/shoes…if I was outside for any long period of time I’d probably wear a light sweatshirt. It was foggy this morning, but the sun burned that away before noon. It’ll get cooler/colder as evening comes, but right now this kind of weather gives me energy and makes me smile.
It never snows in our area but if we drive about 1-1 1/2 hours we can go to the snow for the day/weekend.
We are in southern Iowa. Wind chills ten below, can’t see across the street for the blizzard, we have about a foot on the ground now (on top of the 6 or so inches we still had from before) and we are expecting probably another 6-10 inches. It’s very, very, windy and cold–just got in from helping a neighbor who got stuck on the street trying to get into his driveway. We are going to have some major shoveling to do to get out in the morning–no sense in doing it now, in thirty-mile-an-hour winds. 🙂 Anyone for moving to Tahiti?
We are just thankful we have gotten mostly snow and less ice–we’ve had some terrible ice storms in recent years causing long power outages and roof damage and things like that. All in all, I’ll take snow, if I have to. I just keep laughing, though, at the people who insist that Charlotte Mason would be out in ALL weather. England doesn’t KNOW from this weather, right now. I’m betting Charlotte would have bundled up this morning, headed out—and promptly headed back in for a nice cup of tea. 🙂
We are near St Louis as well on the Illinois side, so same weather report as Linda! lol It’s bitterly cold!! Ice covering everything 1/4″ thick. Glad we don’t have to go anywhere until maybe Thurs if they don’t postpone our parent meeting for upcoming co-op classes. I’m hoping we get the 6 to 10″ they report because many people are saying We told you so! I believe we still will after getting the 9″ they called for last time!
We are calling it the “snowpocolypse” or “snowmagedon” here in MI! Dh came home from work early so he could return and stay all night to keep things safe there! We are definately not going anywhere soon!