what would you do??

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  • pjssully

    Hi everyone,

    I am looking for advice, comments and feedbacks about a delimna for the coming school year.  I will be homeschooling two 12 year olds, 15 year old and 17 year old.  The catch is that we will be moving at some point before Feb., we just don’t know when.  We have to sell our house, and then we can move so the timing is really in God’s hands.  We are moving almost across the country, Wisconsin to New Mexico.

    Here is the question.  None of the kids really want to move, and are pretty upset about it.  They have never moved more than 15 miles from one house to another, so this is a HUGE deal in their lives.  I had thought about taking a year off of history and working on just geography, and incorporating our  move and investigating the new state.  However, I don’t know if that would only make the kids more resentful of school, since they don’t really want to move anyway.  I would also be doing geograpy of the eastern world, so it wouldn’t be JUST the new state.

    On the other hand, I wonder would they feel more stable doing school as we usually do it-history and lit. tied to gether and geography tied to our history studies.  Would the familiarity of our school studies bring more comfort to them as they face the move at some point during the school year.

    While I know you don’t know my children,  I guess I was just looking for “advice” in some way.  God knows what is best, but I am struggling to listen –I am busy with house and also pain. 

    Anyways, I have always found great advice here and I am very grateful that this board goes with me to my  new home!!!




    No real advice except, yes they will likely not be happy. We moved cross country when I was 12 and my siblings were 14, 17 and 18 (we were all homeschooled) My oldest sister stayed behind to go to college since she was already planning on going and she had just graduated.

    I took it the best, but was still unhappy, but my older siblings had a tougher time. It was for my dad’s job, no way around it.

    I would try to keep things pretty “normal” and just know that they will, at some point, no longer be unhappy, but it might take a while. My sister who was 17 was very unhappy so my mom told her “you can be unhappy, but you can not be angry or rude. This is what we have to do as a family”

    Everything worked out in the end, but it was difficult.


    I would probably go with the usual schedule, and plan for the time during the actual move to be either a break or very light. 

    The only other thought I have is to ask each child what they do not like about the move, what they are most looking forward to in NM, and what they would like to do to make the adjustment the best for the whole family. Ultimately they are afraid of giving up what they know for what is unknown, but with reassurance that you will make it a priority to help make the adjustment as smooth as possible they should feel at the least that you are in this as a family.


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