What was the name of free curriculum?

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  • pangit

    Do any of you remember the webpage that has free  currirulum plans?  It’s someone’s plans that they’ve put together and I think everything on it was free.  I think it had all of elementary, I’m not sure about high school.



    That was it. Thank you!

    Doug Smith

    Doug, that’s the one I use!  But, a friend was looking for some low cost options/ideas, so I thought I’d give her more than one.


    I am using Easy Peasy for this year, and it’s great after suddenly moving to homeschooling. Next year will be different. For free curriculum there is also Ambleside online, Charlotte Mason help (hufi), and old fashioned education. All of those look good. I will be using hufi next year with a few tweeks.


    I agree Doug!  I think the difference is in the presentation. SCM can be completely FREE.  CM can be absolutely FREE too.

    Where SCM gives YOU the choice and freedom within an established CM philosophical framework, these other options spell it out very directly.  Day One – xxxxx, Day Two – xxxx. This is what you’ll do.  Here are the materials selected.  It’s school at home.

    The Easy Peasy is NOT a CM curriculum at all.  It is appealing mostly for the fact that you can simply open it and click the links in each day to the resources, etc.  I mean there is no thought needed on your part unless you are adding some things to it. It’s extremely heavy on Unit Studies.  There are great gems in it.  No doubt, but I just wanted to point out it is not following a CM philosophy for education. And I don’t discount it for anyone. 

    I see this as such a stumbling block for those interested and inclined toward a CM educational philosophy.  1) CM is not a curriculum it is a homeschooling phiilosophy on education.  Defining those two words is essential – curriculum (actual materials used, specific subjects taught) vs. philosophy (methodology, reasoning, guiding principals).  2) Giving folks the choices on their materials is too much for those who are not approaching CM as a philosophy but instead as a curriuculum because choice, in that light, looks overwhelming. 

    I may not be making it clear here.  I think Christie wrote a post about this too.  If and when you really get Charlotte Mason you understand that it is significantly less about the actual materials (once living materials is understood) than it is about how they are handled. 

    Just my .02 …. CM is very misunderstood in the circles I’ve bee running in since homeschooling.  And unless you really *get* it yourself it’s pretty tough to share it.  I keep re-reading Sonya’s digestions of Charlotte’s works and the original works themselves to keep my head on strraight!


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