Hi– i am trying to incorporate some CM ideas and need some help with history. We have been using Augstus Caeser’s world for histoyr but my 8 year old has asked me to stopped–she says it is too scary for her. i don’t know what to use instead. My 11 year old likes it but i am sure she wouldn’t want to read it independently–she is reading some fiction books from that time period(sonlight). Does anyone have any ideas? i want to “finish” Rome so we can start middle ages next year but i don’t know where to go from here.
Have you tried Story of the World? I have a 7 year old and 12 year old and they love this book as we snuggle and read it together. It seems the perfect middle of the road spine to use for both. I’m sure you’ll get many more suggestions on this.
Have you looked at Helene Guerber’s Story of the Romans? This might help you. Especially since you are part-way through–you can purchase reprints of this book OR you can read it online here:
That way you could find where you are, try a few chapters, and see if you all like it better. Then you could either purchase it or continue to read it off the web. We love Helene Guerber’s history books. Many people love Story of the World but you might find the earlier volumes, on ancient history, to be a bit “young” for an 11yo; some people do. They were aimed at early elementary students. Many people do love them for a lot of ages, but my sons did not like them at all–felt they were being “babytalked” to. Just an experience from here!