I’ve been homeschooling for years but I’m new to Charlotte Mason. We have NEVER done any school subjects together as a family, but this year I have 4 students (and a preschooler and a toddler and an infant at the end of December).
I think I’ve decided to do Ancient History this year, and I’m thinking of using a four-year cycle because my eldest has 4 more years of homeschooling left and also I have the 4 volumes of “The Story of the World” by Susan Wise Bauer. Has anyone else used these books as their family History spine? The author suggests these books for the middle school years but the stories look short enough that my 7yo wouldn’t get too restless I don’t think.
Any opinions about “Story of the World”? What about the activity books? I have them too, but I’m sure I’d never do all the activities (mummify a chicken?!)… I do have 8 children and I don’t have so much time to get into big projects with little ones around too.
I am using SOTW Volume 3 for our 9YO and our 5YO. We really like it. I read the first chapter of the first volume on my Kindle and I love how it is written. I think it is a nice resource for all ages – I think a 7YO would learn a lot from the stories, but wouldn’t necessarily grasp everything.
I haven’t used the activity book, so no help there. I have two toddlers in addition to my two students, so I also don’t want to get into too many involved and messy activities.
I think it would work, my only concern is it’s nowhere near your oldest child’s level, but I’m guessing they will have some things to read written to older students?
Yes, I would give her historical fiction to read that is somewhere around the time we are reading about. (Something for each child to read or be read to that is at their level). I just want to have a book going for everyone to hear that connects the History in chronological order. She’s got a Book of the Centuries that we’ve already started keeping for a few months, so she could add to that too. I have a Child’s History of the World (Hillyer) as well, in fact my oldest is reading that now because she’s doing Core W “One Year World History” with Sonlight right now. I’d like to transition into teaching only one History period to everyone at once though…. I’m doing three different Sonlight Cores right now. I like it that in the Story of the World activity books there’s suggestions, with each story, of books the library may have for extra reading.
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