I never read them as a child, so this is my first time through. i typically don’t re-read books (why, when there are so many good ones waiting to be read?), but i think i’ll make an exception. Just think…in an instant, Laura can be a child again, running barefoot through the prairie as her sunbonnet flaps against her back…sigh…
I just finished reading to my youngest the chapter in Little House in the Big Woods when Laura gets Charlotte for Christmas. We’ll be meandering through the series in the months and years ahead. (happy sigh)
i just read the chapter where laura is preparing to leave home the following day. the first thing she packs so carefully in her trunk? Charlotte. that’s where i started crying. by the time i got to the part where laura brought pa his fiddle, i could hardly go on. lol my 2 yo sat in my lap and wiped my tears with her nightgown. childhood is so fleeting, sometimes i’m afraid i’m missing it.