what to do when I acidentally click finished assignment?

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  • TLCmom

    I clicked finished assignent for something that should take us a week, and I was just going to not record anything for it even though we’ve been working on it everyday. But today I looked at a report for the day and I didn’t like not seeing anything for writing for my son, when I know he worked on it. Thanks for the help!

    Jordan Smith

    Right now there’s not a way to edit finished assignments. What you could do is re-schedule the resource, then backdate it as worked on for the days you have worked on it and mark it finished when it’s done. For your recordkeeping, you could even attach a note to the assignment to remind yourself that the first one that says finished in your report was a mistake.


    can I add in a lesson that he did earlier on anther date, but I didn’t record. Like take a lesson or chapter from before and just edit the resoure. Can I insert something into the chapter/lessons list?

    Jordan Smith

    If that lesson wasn’t originally scheduled, you can add it by editing the schedule for the resource. If it’s already been marked off, you’ll need to re-schedule the resource with just that lesson.

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