What to do after FLL3. Going for a more CM approach

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  • Corie

    Hi all.  My dd10 is finishing up FLL3, and I am trying to decide where to go next with her.  Things I have considered:

    1. Doing no grammar this year and focusing on spelling/dictation and typing, as suggested in the curriculum guide.

    2. Continuing on with FLL4 (I don’t LOVE this option, but it is obviously the easiest!  Lol!)

    3. Switching to one of the following: JAG (thinking a lot of this may be repetitive), OMT, ILL or Queen’s.  I know, a lot of options there!  I could obviously use some help narrowing down this list!  My head is spinning from trying to choose!  If you have experience with any of these and/or have suggestions/input on where to place coming from FLL3, that would be extremely helpful!  


    Any input you have would be greatly appreciated!  I did do a forum search and didn’t come up with much, but if I missed something, let me know!


    Why is it it so hard to choose a good Language Arts program for our children?


    How about Fix It! from IEW?  It uses excerpts from good books and will put all those grammar lessons into practice.  This is what I will be using with my kids this year.  I love the look of it.  Honestly, if you completed FLL3, you’ve done a lot of grammar work.  We didn’t make it past the first 15 lessons when we tried it.  Your number 1 option is probably what I would do if I were you.  But, if you just want something to use, this might be a good fit for you.  I don’t use IEW, by the way, but apparently this is fine to use without the whole system. 



    Thanks ladies!  I am going to look further into your suggestions, but they look great!  pslively-I am REALLY praying about the possibility of doing #1.  We are moving here in a couple of months from TX back up to AK, and things are going to be hectic for a bit.  I need to work up the guts to just drop some things!


    4myboys-I know, right?!  It is the subject I stress about most.  I don’t know why!  I am just so thankful to have found somewhere I can come to for support and encouragement!


    Oh, you are moving too?!  I would definitely drop the LA for right now.  In fact, until we were settled in a new home, I would probably drop everything except reading books and doing a few math problems every day.  Cut out everything you can to make the change less stressful for everyone.  

    When my oldest was 10-12, I had two babies one right after the other.  In order to preserve everyone’s sanity, we dropped almost everything for close to two years.  She turned out well-educated and still made a really good score on the ACT and makes all A’s in college.  So they probably don’t need as much “schoolwork” as we mom’s think they do.  Smile  


    pslively~THANK YOU!!! Smile


    Corie – you did mention ILL.  Have you seen it in the workbook format that you can print and go with?  This would make it more independent for her and includes things like copywork, picture study, etc.  It may be a good place to resume your LA as you are getting your life back together after a move, etc.  

    Here is the link:  http://www.intermediatelanguagelessons.com/


    You might try Write with the Best too. It teaches writing skills (and some grammar in context of the writing) using classical literature.  http://www.edudps.com/WWTB.html


    Thank you so much for those links!  I am excited to take a break and have the opportunity to look over them!

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