I am currently using Mystery of History I (Creation Through Christ) along with Journey Through the Bible. We have just finished up what would be considered Ancient Egypt. Since we are about to pick up with Joshua, I had considered doing SCM Greece and Rome modules instead of MOH. But, the more I thought about it, I knew it would not be a wise thing to do, for different reasons. I need to just finish what we have, and then when we get to the Middle Ages, I want to use the complete SCM history/Bible.
However, I was looking over the book list for SCM Greece and really would like use some of them along with MOH. We are not doing the written work in MOH, so I thought it would be nice to add Visits to Africa and the Middle East to our study, which would include Hungry Planet and Hungry World. I thought about reading to her Our Little Athenian and Our Little Spartan, since I can access them without buying them. I think I have access to the Archimedes book, and I was also interested in the Herodutus book, if I can find it cheap.
My daughter listens to the MOH reading on CD or I read from Journey Through the Bible as it corresponds to the MOH readings. Would the SCM books I mentioned above be too much to add to our study? I know it would mean taking longer to go through the MOH book, and I wish I would have just started with the first SCM module, but I can’t change my course now, until we get through MOH book that we have.
If I do this for Greece, I am wanting to do it for Rome as well. I guess one reason I’ve decided to not just do the complete SCM Greece and Rome is because I tried reading the Ancients Christine Miller book to my daughter and she really was not understanding much of it. I am excited about SCM Middle Ages/R & R books. But, I need to get through Greece and Rome.
I think some of these books will be a good addition to our study. Is it too much? Any different suggestions? In another thread, I mentioned geography, which I have decided to go with Long’s Home Geography. So, we will be starting that as well. I don’t mind taking our time. My daughter is working at a remedial level and in 6th grade. So, even if we take it slow, we could still complete through modern times before she graduates. Any thoughts?
Some other things you may want to add is the movie the First Olympics Athens 1896. Our family loved it, but of course view it first. We borrowed it from the public library. We also watched some geography, timeline information, Acropolis videos on youtube. They were very helpful along with the differences in the culture of Sparta and Athens and all the wars since there were many. Also, take note how close Greece is to Israel.
We also did watch Troy the movie. Graphic on violence, but also the Bible series and the passion of the Christ are too, which we’ve watched.
Our family loved the Black Ships of Troy and I even found it’s sequel, In Search of a Homeland, the story of the Aeneid by Penelope Lively at a library book sale for 25 cents. Yippee! The Aeneid, is the poem by the roman poet Virgil( around 19 BC) who was inspired by the Greek poet Homer(around 850 BC)
I’m sorry I can’t comment on your curriculum choices other than SCM. I like how SCM links ancient Greece time periods with what is happening in the Bible then too and we made a timeline with both Greece and biblical people together on the same timeline and we put it in our Bible narrating notebooks.
I use a children’s application Bible, an illustrated bible dictionary the map book recommended and an instructional Bible that has the timeline and maps of peoples lives in it. For example we’re studying 1 Samuel ch. 10. I made a map of Israel plotting the life of Samuel in seven locations and what he did there. Tomorrows work will be to color code there towns, discuss and glue into notebook previewing the rest of Samuel’s life. I just love this Bible. Okay, I have to go downstairs to get it for the actual title, because it is that imp. to me. I just love it. I’m back: NKJV Children’s Ministry Resource edition. Put it on your wish list. A friend gave it to me! Hope atleast one comment helps you! Martha
We used MOH 1 for ancients. We added Athenian Cousin, the Archimedes book, City, and The Parthenon. My DC loved each of these books. We also attempted The Children’s Homer, but they didn’t care for it, so we only read about 5 chapters or so.
There are 3 MOH lessons per week, leaving you with 2 extra days per week. If you spend 1 day on geography, that leaves 1 day for extra readings. You could add some in as independent reading or maybe add a 2nd reading later in the day.
Thanks for both of these replies. I will look into some of these resources.
mommamartha- Thanks for mentioning these other resources. I will see if our library has any of them. I am sometimes disappointed in the lack of these resources at our local library. So, i have to supplement with other books. Since I only have one child to homeschool anymore, I don’t want to buy a lot of extras.
HollyS- Thanks for the scheduling idea. I don’t want to take forever to go through this MOH book. Did you use SCM Visits to the the Middle East and the Hungry Planet and Material World with MOH? I thought that would be a nice addition, since we are not doing the extra work in MOH.
I had actually considered getting Visits to Africa, even though we have already finished that time period. Maybe that is overkill. Maybe I could just use Hungry Planet and Material World for the Africa part. Map work is a difficult area for my daughter, due to her visual processing issues, but I do want her to become somewhat familiar with the different parts of the world in a little more detail than just, ‘this is Africa’. She knows that. I did have her color Egypt on a map of Africa. But, I don’t want to spend too much time on Africa, since we are already to the time of Joshua, which brings us to Greece. The Africa decision is my hold-up in making my SCM order. I was just looking at Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors. Maybe that would be a gentler way of covering some Africa geography. It looks interesting. I really do think Visits to Africa is a must, if I use Hungry Planet and Material World. Decisions!
How does this sound? Since we haven’t begun Joshua yet, I was thinking about beginning Home Geography until I get my SCM books. We will not go farther in MOH until we read Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors, and also go through the Visits to Africa book. I may have to modify some of the map work for my daughter, but I think she will enjoy learning about people in other parts of the world. I already have Letters From Africa, so I could read that too. Then we will pick up in MOH with Joshua and Greece. I know this will mean taking longer in this MOH book, but since SCM breaks up these time periods into three modules, it really isn’t ‘dragging it out’. We started MOH mid-year, because we were doing our state history requirement, so MOH has not really been going that long. Like I said. DECISIONS! I’m not going to convention this year, so I need to decide here. I appreciate any suggestions.
I ordered Visits to Africa and the Middle East. I’ve decided to NOT get Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors. We will go through the Africa book with Hungry Planet and Material World, and then we will pick up with MOH and Middle East/Greece. Thanks for listening to me talk through all this. If there are any other suggestions, feel free to offer them.
Your DD might like Geopuzzles. I’ve been collecting them as we go through Visits. I hope to have the full set eventually. Africa & Middle East are combined on the same puzzle, so it might be a great way for her to learn some of the African countries without too much time or effort.
I was not able to make it work w/SCM material but did add living books. I can share my list if you are interested but it looks like you got it all figured out.
HollyS – I think Geopuzzles is a great idea! Thanks for that suggestion.
petitemom – If we were doing the activities and written work in MOH, I wouldn’t add the SCM books. My daughter’s academic struggles, which include language-based disabilities and visual processing, have made it difficult to implement a full program. So, I am piecing together material that I believe will help her learn the best. She loves when I read to her, so any living book ideas are appreciated. I would be interested in what you used. She is 6th grade, but does not do well with books like the Golden Goblet. She just had trouble understanding what was going on. Do you want to email or put them on this thread?
Thanks. I’ll have to see if our library carries any of these. My friend let me borrow Theras and His Town for Greece, and Otto of the Silver Hand for Middle Ages, as well as The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt By Day (about Tyndale) for Reformation. She also gave me Adam of the Road which fits in there somewhere. I don’t know if those will be good for her or not. If the story is interesting, as long as the language isn’t over my daughter’s head, she will listen. I think the language/vocabulary was why I lost her in The Golden Goblet. It is hard to know what will click with her. This is a tough time period. Like was mentioned, US history has so much more out there. There are a good number of books to choose for R&R, but it will be a while until we get there. Thanks for your help.
You mentioned having to find these free or inexpensively. Bethlehem books often has 1/2 off print books or $1.99 E-book sales. I think they have each sale at least once a year. I try to buy the books needed for the coming year during these sales.