What options are there for Gov & Economics?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Government & Economics What options are there for Gov & Economics?

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  • Betty Dickerson

    Hi there! I’m a little late in planning out my year. We have used Notgrass World & American History in the past and I assumed we would use their Gov and Economics program. But I am not very knowledgeable about these subjects and wondered if there were other options out there? What have you all used? Thanks in advance!


    I haven’t used these, so I can’t say whether they’re any good or not, but check out the Founders Academy courses through CurrClick. They have Econ and I think, govt. too.

    We are planning to use Bluestocking Press’s books from the Uncle Eric series, i.e. Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? They also have study guides.


    If you do some searches, you should come up with long discussions we’ve had.  I have a lot of materials I use that I prefer to Notgrass.  There are some excellent materials out there.  If finding the thread doesn’t work I’ll try to help out later but don’t have time to retype anything else right now.


    Here’s my incredibly biased list. 🙂

    For Gov, we read:

    The Everything American Government Book (not a brilliant work, but it covers the basics)The 5000 Year LeapCivil Disobedience by ThoreauThe Law by BastiatFederalist Papers & Anti-Federalist PapersThe Communist ManifestoAnd we re-read the Maybury gov booksWe have Written on the Heart: The Case for Natural Law, but I don’t think he got to it.

    For Econ, we read:

    Life of Fred Economics–it’s surprisingly detailedThat Which is Seen by Bastiatre-read the Maybury Econ booksAnd again, we have New Ideas from Dead Economists, but I don’t think he got to it, or to The Essential Adam Smith.www.mises.org has many free books from an Austrian perspective.

    ETA: Economics in One Lesson. Oldest read it in middle school, but it could work for high school, too.


    Two of our favorites for economics are Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson and Godonomics. Our 13yos will start the trek through the Uncle Eric series this year for a solid economics and government foundation.

    I have the “red books” that are used in the Noah Plan. They serve as a research based study for government. I also have an outline for papers that I have them write. And, there’s a nice overview (spine) type outline at Rainbow Respurce called Government 101. We use many of the titles kjdevore listed, too.


    We used this last year…The 5000 Year Leap along with The Making of America & the U.S. Constitution.  The course comes with lecture on dvd if you want.  It can be done in a semester or a year….we’re taking 2 years to go through it.   We also have read The Law by Bastiat

    Here is a link to the above http://www.nccsstore.com/American-Government-US-Constitution-Part-1/productinfo/AMGOV1/

    For Economics we’ve used the Maybury books along with this dvd resource http://www.economicsforeverybody.com/  The dvd resource recommends some different “text” books to go along with this….but I haven’t decided which one to use.


    I really like The 5000 year leap and The making of America and will be using that with my last 2 children also


    Has anyone looked at Vision Forum’s Law and Government package? It looks right up our alley. I may have to email them and ask how they would assign credits for it. I think my son will love this and he is doing TeenPac this year so between the two I am hoping it will be enough. Wondering how you know something is AP level?

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