What Math curriculum after Right Start, when mama time is limited?

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    Hi parents! I am a homeschool mom of three kids – a rising 3rd grader, 1st grader and kindergartner.  I have used RightStart for the past few years for my eldest two and I like the curriculum.  The problem is that with my kindergartner joining us “officially” next school year I don’t feel like I have enough time to do 3 RightStart lessons each day.  For my 3rd grader, I would love to have her do something different that she can do a bit more independently.  That being said, she also really struggles with math.  So I’m not sure where to go with that.  She just doesn’t love math in general.  But I still need help managing the day and meeting everyone’s needs.

    Does anyone who liked RightStart (as I do!), but switched to another program, have a good recommendation?  It would be for 3rd grade and beyond.  I feel so overwhelmed!  Thanks!!!


    I love rightstart too. I decided to do it next year again with a 3rd, 1st, toddler and baby….We’ll see how it goes. We are doing RS2 levels D and B this year. I am following this thread.

    A few years ago I tried Abeka…won’t recommend that….and it took about as long for me to do. I figure k-3 or so must be mom intensive no matter what. That is why I am doing Rightstart again this year. I am going to try to have my ds in level D do the worksheets more independently. I also substitute drill worksheets (kumon or make my own quickly) for some games. I also play games with both kids. It’s up or down in skill for 1 of them, but early exposure is good as is easy practice;)

    As far as what to switch to I’m not sure Kate’s homeschool math has detailed reviews of several programs. I have heard that BJU math is good and at least one Mom switched to it from Rightstart. http://lextineclectic.com I emailed her we about it and she found it to tedious to just grade and not teach, but she was using to distence learning. She went back to rightstart and teaches multiple levels with ideas for how to do it.

    I know Bob Jones teaches the why and flexibility with numbers. My sister in law uses it k-2 with her kids and another sister in law teaches it at a private school. I would look at it as well as Math mammoth, and perhaps Singapore….but I really didn’t like the singapore essentials books. Good luck..pray about it.


    Also if you decide to stay with RS I noticed that we can do it only 4 days a week and still finish a level in a year. You can also do it 5x a week and set a timer. The fewer lessons give us a bit of flexibility. I know A took me only about 15min a day with my kindergartener. On the other hand drawing lessons in C took an hour….I think I’ll split them up next time. I am thinking that i can make d a bit more independent we will see.

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