What is your homeschool plan for next week?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat What is your homeschool plan for next week?


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  • Tristan

    Anyone want to share their homeschool plan for the first week of December?  I’m excited to get back in the swing of a few things around here now that Tobias is 3 weeks old.  We’re needing routine back!  Here is my plan for next week:


    • Read Aloud – we’re beginning with A Christmas Carol.
    • Scripture study – the Life of Christ

    Then I have science.  The 5th grade and under crowd will do God’s Design for Science: The Human Body.  The 9th grader will be doing more Apologia Biology.

    Math U See – all kids will review the last month of lessons we did before baby just so we stay in the swing of things.

    Literature – each child has a book they are reading independently.

    All About Reading – I’m going to work with my 6 year old (almost 7) to see if we can move ahead in this again.  We’ve been hanging out in one spot for a while and I think he’s ready to move on.

    That’s it!


    Hi Tristan! How’s that new little baby doing? I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks already! Sounds like you have a good plan for easing back into school.

    We have changed our school plans for the holiday season. I was feeling a little over loaded so we have scaled back to art, history, a little math, Bible, literature, piano and some read alouds.

    We will be reading A Christmas Carol as well! 🙂 We also read the Best Worst Christmas Pageant Ever each year. I know it’s written for a younger audience but we enjoy it so much that it’s becoming a family tradition.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!



    We read A Christmas Carol 3 or 4 years ago.  My DC loved watching Mr Magoo’s Christmas Carol alongside it…and the dialog was word for word out of the book, which surprised me!  The year before we read that, we did The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  I thought about re-reading it this year, but I’m not sure we’ll get to it…I wish there was more time in the day!

    I’m still working out our plans.  We will continue with our regular school (we aren’t as far as I’d like to be), but I hope to add in some Christmas activities in the afternoons.   This term we’ve been working on Handel and Luke 2, which will fit nicely with Christmas.  We’ll have an Advent and a Christmas hymn to study, as well as a carol for our folksong.  I don’t have my plans in front of me, so I can’t remember the exact songs I picked!  I’m hoping to go to a tree farm and have them compare different types of fir trees for our nature study.  We should at least be able to compare the two fir trees in our yard.  😉

    In addition to this, I think we’ll be fitting in a Christmas read aloud or two.  I haven’t chosen between Charles Dickens’ Chimes or A Cricket on the Hearth, but I think we’ll be doing one of them.  I also picked up a Child’s Christmas in Wales, and it’s a pretty short book.  We also have an assortment of picture books which I usually lay out on the coffee table for reading to the younger children throughout the month.

    Another thing we’ll be doing is the Wee Folk Art Advent study.  Each week has a book, craft, recipe, and felt applique.  I’m planning on working through these as our handicrafts for the month.  It’s geared toward the younger kids, but I think my older DC will be a great help with the crafts…and who doesn’t love a good Christmas book?  😉  I have the felt ready to go and the first 3 books picked up from the library!

    Here is the link for that:  http://weefolkart.com/join-our-advent-celebration/

    In addition to all this, we’ll have our usual activities: baking cookies, making decorations, lots of hot chocolate after playing outside, Advent/Christmas church services, evening devotions with an Advent wreath & calendar, etc.  I picked up supplies for some cinnamon/applesauce tree ornaments as well.

    As always, I’ll be happy if we only get through a few of the plans I’ve made.  😉   I look forward to reading more of your plans for December!


    I have everything mapped out on a chart for history, literature, math, science, and geography that will take us up to our Christmas break.  (I also noted on the chart where we should be at the Thanksgiving break. We reached our goal on Tuesday before Thanksgiving Day–yay!)

    We are still doing our fine arts and Spanish lessons into December.  They take place at an outside location on two different days, and they follow a brick-and-mortar school schedule for breaks. I am having a strong desire to take a longer break than usual since my eldest will graduate this year, and she is probably moving away to go to school afterward.


    After finishing our term one and taking this past week off for Thanksgiving and deer hunting, we are starting Monday with our second term and will be on a regular schedule. However, I am adding Jotham’s Journey as part of our Advent study. I plan to read it as a family read aloud after supper each evening.

    BTW, we read A Christmas Carol last month for our Socratic Book Club. I have seen the movie several times, but it was the first time I actually read the book. What a fabulous message!!



    A week ago our lives changed……for a season. I took a fall down a flight of stairs. I broke two bones in my left ankle, and my right foot has a broken 5th metatarsal. Had surgery on the ankle, no weight bearing. Just wearing a boot on right foot, with limited weight-bearing. So, needless to say, it’s very difficult to get around. Using walker and wheelchair. Will be having therapists to our house for a while. So, our December will be different this year.

    Monday, I need to get back to homeschooling. We missed a couple days this week because my accident. Don’t want to get too far behind. Angie has been such a tremendous help, waiting on me and helping around the house. I would like to do some fun ‘school’ things with her, rather than just the ‘norm’. If anyone has any fun ideas I could add to our school days, please feel free to share. We are thanking the Lord that I wasn’t hurt worse than I am. It’s just taking some adjusting.


    psreitmom, I hope you mend completely and quickly!  As for fun school, we count videos as fun school!  And cooking.  And audio dramas.

    I haven’t planned our week yet — it looks like a busy one: Sewing Circle at church, a dr. appt., a township meeting, 4 piano lessons to teach, etc.  I’m hoping to sit down tomorrow and plan it out!  And I’m going to force myself to put on my “Administrator” hat and cut back on how much I plan and then I’m going to tell myself that it’s OKAY to skip some things in the books!


    We school on the calendar year and I want to wrap everything up so we can finish on the 11th. DS6 is excited to have just 2 weeks left. I am focused on finishing math at a good ‘resting’ place, finishing our read aloud ‘Along Came A Dog’, completing our science lessons to bring us to the end of Day 4 in 106 Days of Creation Studies. Nate is doing well with reading and writing, so those usually happen easily. There will be a few social activities next week, including a cookie bake with friends. I will be putting 24 wrapped Christmas books under the tree, as our advent activity. 12 will be ones we own and the other 12 are from the library, all new to us!
    I have been planning the 1st term of our next year, and need to take advantage of some Cyber Monday discounts on books and such.


    I am absolutely exhausted after this past weekend, so I wish I could justify taking off from now until January!  However, we have tomorrow off because whenever one of our birthdays comes up, I give everyone the day off.  And, I’ve been telling the kids for years that my birthday is a federal holiday on our school calendar!

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