what is your 7th grader doing this year?

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  • caedmyn

    Wondering what others are using for 7th grade…


    My 7th grader is my dyslexic daughter. She’s doing Teaching Textbooks 7 for math, by herself.

    History and science are family subjects – finishing up the 20th century from SCM Module 6, then moving to Mystery of History Ancients.  We’re using AIG God’s Design for Life this year.

    Barton is our Reading and Spelling.  IEW Level A for writing. Fix It Grammar book 1.

    We ought to do a health curriculum, but I don’t know which o e.


    Mine will be doing:


    • Teaching Textbooks 7
    • Learning Language Arts through Literature Green, and probably either Easy Grammar or Climbing to Good English for the second half of the year
    • narrations and outlines/rewrites across curriculum (I combine CM and WTM writing suggestions)
    • Pathway Reading 7
    • The World of Plants from God’s Design science, then probably Apologia Zoology 3 after that
    • Story of the World 4 (with siblings)
    • various logic puzzle workbooks
    • L’art de Lire French

    My dd is 11, but we’ve decided to skip 6th and go to 7th.  We’re doing a bunch differently this year because I needed to. Last school year was rough due to many outside circumstances and we’re planning travel and moving oldest to a different city next summer. Relying on outside classes will help me ensure we’re finished before then!

    Math – Mr. D Pre-algebra self paced

    English – Middle School Tools B (AIM Academy)

    History – World History Foundations (Excelsior Classes)

    Science – Geology and Biology from Gravitas Press (with our co-op)

    Spanish – Spanish I-IV with Embedded Geography (AIM Academy)

    Drawing, Cooking, Debate (with our co-op)

    Current Events, Commonplace Book (on own)

    Paula Spicer

    My middle child is in 7th this year.  He is…

    math-cle 8

    reading-cle 7 (we don’t do it all, but I really like their reading books)

    Bible -cle 8

    growing with grammar 7

    BF middle ages ( we don’t follow it exactly but are using the spine and book suggestions)

    writeshop I

    apologia science (he found one of my old swimming with creatures books, wanted to do it, and I’m just letting him, not going to worry about it being elementary level, just expecting some really great narrations)

    he’s focusing on handwriting, typing, and cursive this year using spelling wisdom, trying to really improve on sloppiness before next year.

    and lots of music-he plays mandolin and guitar, he may try and pick up banjo later this year.  We tried music theory for a few weeks, but the eyes started glazing over so we’re dropping it.  I know it is important but he plays by ear so if he wants to learn to read music, he can learn it when he’s older on his own time.

    He has focus issues, so this is a lot for him. When he really gets to work, he can be done by lunch, but it’s usually 2 o’clock.

    I do love reading what others are doing and what they consider “important.”  I think that is the beauty of homeschooling, we can pick and choose different subjects according to our kids needs and interests!



    My 7th grader:

    -Math:  Finish TT7 and move to PreA

    -History:  Early Modern as a family (loosely following SCM’s module – we’ll do family read-alouds and I will assign individual books for him)

    -Science:  a co-op with a retired teacher who will be doing nature study and ecology.  Very excited for this one!

    -Writing/Grammar: IEW for both

    -Spelling:  still working on this.  Prepared dictation is not a good match for him.  AAS seems great, but may be too teacher-intensive for me to properly implement, since he is one of four kids.  I’m considering ordering the family subscription for Spelling City and giving him spelling lists until I can come up with something better.

    -Foreign Language:  Visual Latin I

    -Geography – Beautiful Feet guide with HC Holling books/maps

    -Technology:  Video Production (he is currently finishing this summer class); Digital Imaging later in the year

    -Other:  Scripture memory, Bible study, poetry, Shakespeare, artist, etc. as a family

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