I’ve been hearing about response papers lately, as something that is supposedly required in college writing, but I’m having a hard time figuring out exactly what it is. I was thinking maybe I should have my high schoolers write a few so they are familiar with them. But what exactly is a response paper? Examples? Thanks. 🙂
I could completely be wrong on this one but I’m pretty sure a response paper is just a paper written in response to an essay question/prompt. You can find many free essay prompts online.
An example might be: Do you think smart phones are more of a help or a hindrance to teens today?
I am not totally sure, but my understanding is that they are written in the first person. A personal response or reaction to a subject or topic. I understand that to mean it would not be fact filled like a persuasion essay, it would just be a personal response to the topic.
Ok, that is what I am gathering from reading online – it’s like a personal reaction or conclusion based on something you read. Or even an application to your personal life. I do encourage my boys to include their opinions or reactions to things in their narrations, so I guess we’ve sort of informally been doing this. I’m undecided whether I should keep it that way, or make it more of a focused assignment. Hmm. Thanks for the responses!
I could be totally wrong, so take this for what it’s worth, but I think there is a bit of a formula they are looking for too. My oldest had a teacher that referred to it as Respond-support-connect. So she wanted them to respond to the topic, support it with evidence from the text (direct quotations were expected) and then show how they connected/related to the text (or explain how the evidence supports their opinion/answer.)
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