Hi, I have been reading the article “Does Charlotte Mason Work With a Dyslexic Child” done by Richele and Sonya. In the article, Richele mentions doing 5 minutes of math fact practice & review each day with her dyslexic son and that it took him until age 12 to memorize the math facts, but he finally did with the 5 min/day review.
Could someone please elaborate on what that 5 minute review looks like? Is it time spent going through the addition/subtraction tables that we make in Charlotte Mason Math book 2? Quiz type questions on the facts?
Hi kymom. This is the “Mental Math” portion of the “New, Review, Mental Math too” that make up your weekly lessons. For this you can use any of the review sections, the Extra Mental Arithmetic found in the back of the book, the Number Sentence Cards, make up your own problems wherever you are, and–to shake it up–have your student roll some dice and work with those numbers to +-x/.
All children are unique individuals and, while my son mastered his addition and subtraction facts a bit earlier, it did take him until 12 to master multiplication and division facts. Part of his dyslexia was that he couldn’t hold them in his head like he could the concepts, so we continued with a once a week 5-minute mental review even in high school. This helped him focus on the new and more challenging ideas he met with in upper maths.
Thank you so much for the explanation! That is very helpful. We struggle with math facts too and I need a good system!
I also want to thank you for all the time you spent writing the Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic series. I just started using it in January of this year, and I am already seeing my kids make good progress in understanding and confidence. Thank you so much.