i am fairly new as well, but just this week i think i finally found a schedule that works! i won’t put times in because i think that’s different for everyone
go on a short walk (recite bible verse)
history or science (we alternate)
reading (she reads to me)/snack
short language lesson and handwriting
elective (poetry, art, composer or hymn…we alternate)
little one naps while i do phonics with other two
play/early dinner prep/fold laundry, whatever the rest of the day is less structured
after dinner we do Bible together as a family. 🙂
the walk in the morning gets me outside every day first thing which i desparately need. i try to run in the morning before everyone gets up, but that doen’t always happen. LOL we are done with everything by 2:00 or 2:30. once i don’t have a napper, i plan to be done before lunch. right now it works out better to do the phonics lessons while she is sleeping. 🙂 hope this helps!