What do you use for Math (middle grades)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math What do you use for Math (middle grades)

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  • blueyes

    I’m trying to figure out what to do for math next year and I was wondering what you all use and if you think it is considered CM or not. My son will be 7th grade next year – and it is one of his stronger subjects. When we first started hs’ing we used A Beka (this was before I knew about CM) and we both strongly disliked it. So then we went to Singapore. I ended up getting 4A for him because he hadn’t had any geometry before and I wanted to give him an introduction to it. He knew just about everything else in this book though, so we just skipped right to reviewing fractions and then onto the geometry. We both really enjoyed Singapore, BUT I don’t want to keep ordering those books if he really only needs them for a small portion of the book. Hopefully I am being clear with my explanations.

    Does anyone have any ideas if we should just go on to the NEM with Singapore or maybe switch to a different program. I know a lot of home schoolers use Saxon, but would this be considered a CM math?

    Thanks for any advice!!

    I really like http://www.systemath.com for those years. It is not a flashy program, but it does a really good job of explaining things. The Systematic Mathematics program goes through Algebra 2. I am going to use this or continue with Math u See.

    I may be wrong, but Charlotte had children doing more traditional math by 7th grade. She had longer lessons too for that age (30-40 minutes, I think).

    Singapore is a solid program, but I know nothing about the NEM books.

    Hopefully, someone will chime in. 🙂


    We are using MUS – they have some really great upper level programs and even a stewardship program!


    We also used A Beka math for the elementary grades. Math is also my son’s stronger subject. We switched over to Teaching Textbooks for Pre-Algebra when he was in 5th grade but then we didn’t want him to start Algebra in 6th (he will be 13 in November). So, for 6th grade this past year we used Math U See Stewardship and it was fabulous. I think they have it listed in their high school catalog but since my son is good at math we decided to use it. The only down side I can see with using it so young is that I pray he remembers the things he learned because it is so relevant to life skills in today’s world. But, we are still at a loss as to what to use with him now (in 7th grade) until we do Algebra in 8th or 9th. I was looking at Jacob’s Mathematics: A Human Endeavor. It looks interesting and here is a link so you can look at it http://www.lamppostpublishing.com/jacobs-mathematics-human-endeavor.htm . Hope this helps…..




    We use Teaching Textbooks.


    Thanks for all the suggestions! I went to the homeschool convention in Richmond, VA today and was able to look at Teaching Textbooks and see what that is all about. It looks awesome!!! I think my son would totally love it. Now if I only I can come up with enough money for it……


    You might want to try to find it used. Here’s one group you can try: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CMcurricula/

    Good luck! 😀


    We used Rod and Staff this past year(very affordable) and will be using SOS this year.



    Jodie Apple

    We enjoyed taking part of a year to do SCM’s Pet Store Business Math. He loved it-and I liked the fact that he was seeing how math is used in everyday life. Other than that, we use MUS.


    MUS is what we use and love it! It is great!

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