What do you use for history?

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    I am starting to think towards next school year.  I like to have a plan in place early so I can watch for sales!!  We have done SCM mod 1 and 2 the last 2 years and have enjoyed them.  But, I was just wondering if I should consider something else.  Just looking at options.

    I will have a 1st/2nd grader and a 3rd grader.  What do you use for history?



    We use Truthquest history guides as our framework, and plug in books mainly from SCM and AO. What’s worked well this year is to read TQ’s biblical commentary and a spine together, and then they read the SCM books independently.  My kids are 9 and 12.  Blessings:)  Gina


    I am using “The History and Geography of the World for LDS Families”  – a part of LearningHomeSchoolMentor.com

    However, if I wasn’t (or if at some point I change my mind) – I think I’d use the SCM ones.  


    We’re using MFW Adventures with my 3rd grader this year.


    Do any of you use TruthQuest and a SCM guide??  Would that be too much??  Just curious. I’ve always wanted to try the TQ guides but not give up my SCM.




    my3boys, I have used the TQ guides with SCM.  I used TQ Middle Ages and Ren. & Reformation with SCM’s 4th guide.  It wasn’t that hard to do.  I went through TQ and marked all the books that were in the SCM guide and those were our “must reads” I would also read and/or discuss the commentary on those pages.  IF I wanted to I would add in a few additional books.


    Thanks Des.  That is very helpful.  I know others that do that as well (and I’ve probably asked the question a million times) but I forget or am in a state of rethinking things.  Add that to the fact that there are several things I’d like to have in our homeschool but haven’t purchased them yet and this is one of them.


    We use Lessons from History.  I LOVE this series!  It’s a very flexible unit study that gives you a chronological list of people and events in history. There are 5 books in the series covering creation through the 1900’s.  They are quite inexpensive and provide a wealth of information and resources for studying history, along with geography, Bible, science, writing, communication, and art.  You pick and choose which activities you want to do and which books you want to read.  You can use these from K-9th grade.  I’m using them with early elementary kids.  


    I supplement with Mystery of History, SCM, and many great books from a variety of lists including AO, Sonlight, Living Books Curriculum, etc.  We use the Catherine Vos Child’s Story Bible for history, Bible, and narration. Last year was Old Testament.  This year is New Testament.  We’ll be finished soon and will move onto to Middle Ages.  This post has a list of some of the books we’re reading…http://reflectionsfromdrywoodcreek.blogspot.com/search/label/History


    I’ve also used History Pockets by Evan Moor with one of my kids because she loves projects and notebooking.  I’m very eclectic, want to teach history chronological, and want Bible as base/foundation for history, hence my history choices.  

    I’ve tried the Guerber books and TruthQuest.  Guerber seemed like it would be good at a middle school level.  It was a little too much for 1st grader.  TruthQuest gives great book lists, but I didn’t care for the commentary.  I much prefer Mystery Of History commentary.  





    This is our first year using Truthquest and my kids (9 and 5) absolutely love it! We started out with SCMs Module 1 last year and enjoyed it. However, since it became time to add in our 5 year old who is not as mature as our 9 year old, we felt going into the greeks was not a good idea. Plus, with SCM guides our favorite part was the Bible stuff anyway. So, this year we have used Truthquest’s American History for History and Geography and then we purchased the SCM module 2 guide and just use the Bible portion. We are loving getting to read some yummy books about the founding of our country while at the same time chronologically reading through the Bible. It’s working for us!


    So do you have a reason that you want to switch? We’ve used lots of things over the years but now I’ve used SCM Modules 3 & 4 which I’ve liked better than anything else I’ve ever used in 25+ years.

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