Just wondering how many of you handle the books and things after you have finished studying a module? I know there are some books I want to keep for sure, but I am wondering about some of the teacher resources. I was thinking since it will be many years before we get back to that module that maybe I should consider selling it. Its possible there may be a new edition by then, but on the other hand it might be more cost effective to just keep what I have.
I generally sell my teacher’s guides since they usually update them by the time I get back around to that history period (every 4-5 years). And I sell anything that we didn’t love and try to replace it with something that will work better the next time around.
I keep ALL the ‘readers’ – fiction, literature, historical fiction, biographies, etc…because I have let whole packages go and then had to ‘re-buy’ them later.
ALL art books, I keep.
Most science books, I keep. Unless they are full of experiments that really didn’t work, or we were bored silly reading it.
Most videos, CD’s, textbooks and unused workbooky type things, I keep.
Along that same question, do you have notes that you keep in a certain place to remind you of what you liked or didn’t like about a certain history period. Where do you keep that sort of thing?
Definetly keeping my readers because the kids enjoy rereading them over and over again.
Um…this is where an otherwise normal Mom (me) will start to sound a little odd….
I remember them. Not helpful, right?? But true. I literally can not forget any book that I read, so I just ‘keep’ them in my brain. I am sure that ever-growing book list is taking up gray matter that should be used for useful things, like world peace. But that is how God wired me, so who am I to argue :).
However…I do keep book lists in Excel and several lists with notes in Amazon (wishlists). So maybe you could make a special Amazon wishlist with notes on your opinions of the books? Then you could just refer to it when you are book shopping?
And glad you keep those readers! I regret all of the ones we let go of over the years!
I am old fashioned but keep my notes on homeschooling and booklists in a thick 5 subject notebook. It is hard to lose and doesn’t require electricity. If we didn’t like a book or resource then I re-sell it. Otherwise I keep it to use with the next child or to refer back to later.
I just keep everything. With 4 (soon to be 5) DC, I’m afraid I’ll get rid of something and wish I had it later. I bought a preschool program for my now 6yo which she didn’t care for. I pulled it out for my 3yo and she loves it. The only things I’ve gotten rid of are duplicates or materials we absolutly couldn’t stand. I was going to weed out books last year, but DH didn’t think it’d be worth it after paying shipping or booth fees at a curriculum sale. No one seems to have much luck selling locally either…unless they are selling high school materials dirt cheap.
I also have a good memory of what we’ve read, so I don’t keep notes. I often “study” what books are used in each time period and keep in mind the books that come up with multiple programs…I figure those are good choices.
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