OK ladies – this has been a rough week at our house. I am really struggling to feel motivated to do anything…so not a lot has gotten done. (And then I feel guilty about that because it is my own fault that nothing got done. Sigh.) Part of that has to do with the fact that we are sort of in a temporary lull between major transitions/moves for our family and our schedule is all out of whack b/c my husband is home right now. Actually, a lot of it has to do with that, I think. But, I don’t want to base my total lack of motivation just on the fact that we are in transition and living in a temporary sort of situation. What do you do to help get yourself out of a ‘rut’ when you are stuck?
Jen, hoping to use the weekend to equip herself for a better week next week. =)
Our routines keep me moving generally. If I really can’t get started I grab a book off the shelf and start reading to my children. Starting something new is always motivating.
So are rewards – sometimes I tell the children “When we finish today’s work we can _____” I fill in the blank with watch a movie, play outside, bake a treat to surprise daddy, etc. Then they are usually driving me along to keep getting work done so we can have our reward.
Needless to say, prayer and scripture reading often help my attitude, as does turning on some inspirational music.
Life is like that sometimes, isn’t it? Sorry, you are having a rough time. Look at next week as a fresh, new beginning. In the mean time, pray. Talk to the Lord about your lack of motivation and ask for His help and His wisdom. I don’t know your situation, but often a lack of motivation to do regular everyday things points to depression. If you are a people person, it may be helpful for you to get out and visit a friend. If you are an introvert, it may be helpful to get out and visit with yourself. I tend to be unmotivated when things just don’t turn out like I planned. It often makes me want to quit. I’ve been teaching the CM motto to my children this week, and find it useful for myself as well.
I am. I can. I ought. I will.
I am . . . a child of God, a gift to my parents and my country. I’m a person of great value because God made me.
I can . . . do all things through Christ who strengthens me. God has made me able to do everything required of me.
I ought . . . to do my duty to obey God, to submit to my parents and everyone in authority over me, to be of service to others, and to keep myself healthy with proper food and rest so my body is ready to serve.
I will . . . resolve to keep a watch over my thoughts and choose what’s right even if it’s not what I want.
I’m sorry you’re having a rough time, we’ve been having a hard week as well. I agree with the other posters, sometimes we just push through and then there are times we see how much we can get done within a certain time frame and then we quit for the day and do something fun. I also try to do the basics math, reading, latin and one other subject before we quit for the day. I would say to pray, but i’ve been struggling so hard, i’m even finding it difficult to pray.
The more Bread of Life I nourish my body, soul, spirit with, the more strength I seem to gain spiritually, emotionally, and physically. It only takes a drop of Living Water to fill our hearts…verse by verse we find refreshment in His Word.
Start in the Psalms. I love Psalms 27, 32, and 71.
I collect verses by topic in an A-Z index card box. I paper clip/rubber band verses on a similar topic like “diligence”, “thanksgiving”, “joy”, etc and find that the more I collect…the more I am thirsty for the Word and my spiritual malnourishment is healed. The cards are a great help in times of drought, discouragement, and even times of rejoicing. Peace and grace to you.
I think we all have been there at one time or another. I agree with prayer and asking God for help.
A few years back, there was a time when it was just plain hard to get out of bed. Thinking about all I had to do that day made me tired.
What I did was take small steps. I put one foot in front of the other and took one day at a time. One hour at a time. One lesson at a time etc.
I stopped thinking about all I had to do and would concentrate with smaller chunks.
I forced myself to get that math book out and complete a math lesson or grammar lesson that day.
Also, write what subjects are most important for you right now.
If you can’t get out for a nature walk, it’s okay. There is always tomorrow or next week. On the flip side if it’s raining and your kids love playing in the rain {like mine do} it’s okay to put the books away and go outside.
Thanks for the thoughts and ideas ladies. Glad to know I’m not alone. Hopefully my introvert self can grab a little time alone this weekend to spend some extra time in the Word and find the strength I need to make a better start on Monday. =)
@Des – Hugs and prayers to you too. I’ve been in that spot where even praying seems too hard (thankfully, things aren’t quite to that point right now.)
@Janell – LOVE your idea of having a topical card file for verses to refer back too as needed. I may have to steal that one.
The very few times my dh has been home for extended periods of time, I tend to feel unmotivated too. Mainly because if he is off, it should be a holiday right?! If that was topped with an upcoming move, then I definitely wouldn’t feel like much school either. :0
If it was me, I would just do some short sessions of reading and math and call it a day. Pick a fun read aloud and read that for quiet times. SCM does have a schedule option for these times of just needing minimal work. (But it IS suggested to do this temporarily of course!) I guess it depends on how long you have to live in this transition??
Along the lines of the topical verses, this book: http://www.amazon.com/What-Do-Know-about-God/dp/1591666813 is awesome. The author is obviously super sweet. She shares some of her life experiences and how to make your own notebook (very simple!!) to jot down verses as you read your Bible. Great study tool and reference! I know many ladies who have been blessed by this book/Bible study.
I’ve found that every time I’ve ever gone to bed at night and prayed for God to give me motivation for the next day, He has done it!
Diet Coke. Starbucks. A new magazine. Is there something little that you can treat yourself to? It is not strange for my kids to hear, “Mama needs a Diet Coke girls!” Healthy no, lifts my spirits till I can sit and relax a bit- you bet! Oh, and Diet Coke while I do my Bible study…perfect!
lgeurink, that is so true. My kiddos hear, “I need a Diet Dr. Pepper” =) I save them for those kind of days. It’s my special treat! Even if I am sipping it while teaching grammar, it’s stil a nice treat 😉
I think we all have those days sometimes. For me, if they are occasional, I do a little school and call it a day. If I’m feeling that way often, I’ve got to spend some time in prayer, God’s word, and talking to dh to get out of the funk. I can usually track the feelings back to stress or being overly tired. It’s so hard when we get out of our routine also.