what do you do about reluctant readers??

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  • mommix3

    I have to just about pull teeth to get my boys to read. They are 11

    and 12(almost 13). Once the fight over reading is over,My older one will read and tell me about it when I ask so I know he has actually read it but it’s my younger one that I have problems with. When I ask him about his book he says he don’t know. He can’t remember. The reading level is not too hard and he knows how to read well. He just doesn’t want to read. How can I impliment a CM education if he won’t read?!? We do read alouds as well and he sometimes will narrate back to me other times he tells the same old “I don’t know”. It can be quite frustrating. I can’t read everything to him. He needs reading practice. Any ideas on what to do? I have the same problems with all areas of school with him. Thanks


    I will offer some “bad” advice. Ok, all die hard CMer’s look away now. Oh, wait that’s me…:) I had to get my 11 year old to read what I knew he was capable of but could not do it until I let him read some twaddle. I know, horrors, but once he read a couple of books he picked out of the library (which were enormous, btw) then he didn’t balk too much at my bigger book choices for him.

    I couldn’t get my son to STOP narrating from this Warrior Cat series. It is twaddle all the way, but once he set the standard, he had to comply with his school books. 🙂 Those books are not hard to narrate from, but they do get the ball rolling. I want to get my hands on some old Perry Mason mysteries that I loved as a kid for the same reason. I know he would love them. Sometimes you just have to make consessions to get to your goal.


    Keep reading and keep playing those audio books (as well as having him read). Always let them see you reading. Keep a pile of books all over the house- the coffee table, the kitchen table, in the bathrooms, etc.

    My 11 yo dd was the same way, but she eventually became motivated to read, because I finally decided to trust the process and just kept faithfully doing those things. It worked!

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