What do ya’ll serve for Christmas Dinner?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat What do ya’ll serve for Christmas Dinner?

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  • CindyS

    Just looking for some new ideas.


    Cindy, I don’t think I will be much help but thought I’d add my Christmas meals.

    Eve: We have his side over every year and I make a new found eggbake/french toast bake, they bring the meat and fruit. We do this for a brunch time meal. Then just our family (hubby and kids) go to church and home to eat “pizza”, open presents from us.

    Day: Now my side comes up and I do something a bit easier (kinda) like this year I am making cinnamin buns, cream cheese bars, and fruit for breakfast and then I will have BBQ wienies, Sweet/Soure meatballs in the crockpot and it will be out for the day to nibble along with a platter of fruit, vegi’s, pickles/olives etc. We just like to pick all day!

    We are all about easy, we did BIG and Fancy for Thanksgiving now it’s time to let mom’s sit and enjoy watching the kids do there thing for the day.

    Don’t forget about the cake for Jesus’ birthday though on Christmas. It really makes there day!



    We go to my Grandmother’s so I am not much help.


    Christmas eve we have a deli table…meats, chesses, sandwiches, etc. This comes form the German side, and we do gifts, etc that night.

    Christmas Day is the traditional (at leats in our home) Turkey, potatoes, cream corn, gravy, cranberry sauce, brussle sprouts…..yum yum…I’m getting hungry!!!!

    Then it’s leftovers turkey sannys and dinner for the rest of the week!

    Sonya Shafer

    This year we’re doing a Honey-Baked Ham (yum, yum), compliments of a generous gift certificate we received. Then we’ll add mashed potatoes and gravy, southern-style green beans (I never knew what fatback was until I moved to Georgia.), corn casserole, seven-layer salad, and some Christmas cookies for dessert. Oh, we’ll probably also make a new recipe for gluten-free chocolate cupcakes since we don’t have all the ingredients to make the gluten-free Christmas cookies right now.

    Lest you think I will be in the kitchen all day, this meal is for three families who are all contributing dishes. 🙂

    Christina, it’s so nice to find someone else who likes brussel sprouts!


    Well, I think we’ve settled on an Italian buffet. We have plenty of company coming but we have to do all the cooking and I can put some stuffed shells, etc, in the fridge tomorrow and get the bread baked.

    Here is a tradition that people get a kick out of: My dh’s great grandparents were very poor, but they would save up and on Christmas they would treat themselves to whatever they wanted. So, for breakfast it was coconut cake and ham. That tradition still goes on in our home. I always have to add some grapefruit or something though…I just can’t seem to get totally ‘there’ on this even after 23 years!

    Merry Christmas all you dear CM Mommies!!



    Coconut cake for breakfast? What a delightful story and how fun for the little ones especially! That’s a wonderful story the children will be able to pass down for ages. I wish we had a tradition like that!

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