What are your favorite field guides??

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  • ebcsmom

    I am wanting to buy my children some field guides for our nature studies. What is your favorite field guides to use and why?Smile


    LOCAL-SPECIFIC.  Brand less important.  It’s hugely useful to have field guides with YOUR own area in mind so you don’t decide you’ve found a tree that exists only in South America or a butterfly limited to Indonesia or a bird that  never crosses the Rockies. 



    Thank you so much!! We usually check some out at the library and I really have like the “Little Golden Guides” however you right Im sure I need to find ones that are for our state. Did you find these on like Amazon? We live in TN so I will be looking for trees, birds, and insects field guides! Thanks so much for all your help!


    I agree with regional ones!! It really is so much more helpful than saying “Oh, I’m sure it’s that bird” and then finding out that bird isn’t even from your area. LOL.

    We find lots of regional ones on Amazon.

    Sara B.

    Yep, local ones are so important!  And ones with photos rather than drawings are ever so much more wonderful.  We have state-specific ones, and I just added 3 more to my set a week or 2 ago.  They are awesome, and the kids and I love that we actually know and see nearly everything in them, at least once a year.  😀

    ETA:  Here is the site with the books we purchase:  http://www.adventurepublications.net/default.htm  They have several states, but not all.  Some of these we have found in local bookstores and shops.  HTH!


    I have both local ones and The Audubon Society Feild Guides. I like the Audubon the best. They have color pictures as well as the information you need for a specific species. Sometimes we have birds come from all over the US so I like to know their flight zones ect. They put out books on Animals, Sea Creatures, The Night Sky, North American Birds,Spiders, Butterflies and Moths, trees, ect… I have several. I seem to grab some of those first. I have a feild guide addiction. Ugh!  🙂


    Regional ones are good – then you don’t have to page through all those things never seen in your area.

    But, my favorite ones are the Golden Guides. I have most often been able to identify something with those.  Never been able to identify a tree or wildflower with an Audoban Guide. 


    We like regional guides and also iBird Pro on iOS devices. I also think that Leaf Snap will be useful when it gets more regions. 

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