What are your Curriculum Plans for the School Year?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat What are your Curriculum Plans for the School Year?

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  • Tristan

    I’m not sure how many of you have heard of the curriculum share going on over at Heart of the Matter for Not Back to School fun?  I linked up my post and have been reading through the plans of other families, which is always fun.  However I have yet to “meet” anyone from there who is using Simply Charlotte Mason materials, and the CM style homeschoolers are few and far between.  I know all the families here either have CM leanings and aspirations or even use some of SCM’s materials.  So here is my plea –

    will you tell us what your curriculum plans are for the school year right here in this thread, or write a post on your blog and then link it in a post here so we can read it???  Pretty please? 

    I would love to see how things fit together in other families, and would love to know who may be in the same time period as us this year.  For now I’ll just link to my post about our plans for the year, though later I hope to find time to put them in this thread too.

    Thanks everyone, I love the community and inspiration I find in like-minded families here ((HUGS)).


    I posted my blog link on the HOM blog hop yesterday & I have SCM things listed.  Laughing  I would agree that the CM style homeschoolers are few, as are those with older students (something I was looking for).  


    Yay, so happy to read of someone using SCM materials!  I have a quick question about the Christian Heroes biographies – do you think they would be okay for a younger child than yours?  My oldest is 10 and I was thinking about having her read David Livingstone next month with her study of Africa.  I’m still waiting on the library to find a copy so I can hopefully pre-read it.

    I can’t wait to use Module 5 next year, it covers one of my favorite time periods.  We’re going through Module 4 this year and it’s a time period I don’t know much about, so I’m glad to have the SCM guide to get me through it!  Did you do Module 4 last year or sometime in the past?  Any favorite books to read aloud for that time?


    Hi!  Yes, I think they would be fine for younger children.  My ds (the one assigned to read them) is 15, but he has autism & they are about as deep as he can handle.  

    My oldest dd studied this time period last year & devoured lots of books.  The Louise Vernon books are great.  I would say her favorites were anything to do with wars and fighting (lol not your typical 17yo girl fare, but what she likes non the less).  She added in the Crown & Covenant series.  

    My younger two were not studying this time period, so I don’t have a good read aloud list for the younger crowd.  I am trying to get them all back in the same time period this year, so that I can keep the younger two in the same studies when my youngest hits high school.  


    We did David Livingstone as a read aloud and it was great.  I know my then 10 year old could have read it and enjoyed it on his own as well.    I’ll write more later on this year’s plans!


    I’ll be doing Module 1 this year with my 5th grade ds. Since he’s the only one I have in “school” this year (2 grads + 1 3y dd) I was able to custom fit all of his subjects just for him. I’ve posted our year plans on my new website that’s not completed yet, so please don’t mind the dust. Wink


    We are taking a break from chronological history of the western world and focusing on the eastern hemisphere, particularly countries in the 10/40 window.  We are doing this with a strong evangelical bent.  I purchased numerous biographies from YWAM, several bible studies about missions, and Sonlight’s Eastern Hemisphere Explorer.  We will be using several books and a DVD about the spiritual needs and prayer points of these cultures.  Rounding that out are various historical/geographical books about the countries we study as well as historical fiction.  We will start the year spending 6 weeks in Africa, then to the Middle East for several weeks, 6 weeks in China, 6 weeks in India, 6 weeks in Japan and Far East.  Then, on to Oceania, finishing the year in Australia and Antarctica.  I plan to study in-depth the 3 major religions of these areas: Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, and possibly Animism and Jainism if there is time, as well as how to pray for them and how to witness and talk with people of these religions. 

    I have been wanting to do this for a while and am so excited for this upcoming year.



    Charlene – Do you do continuous American History studies alongside any time period or am I misreading your page?  (You had books for ancients and for american history).  I love reading all the different books and plans, especially things like what you have in the works for music/composers and your free reading list.


    TammiK – That will be a very interesting year!  We did small studies on several countries in those areas last year and the children enjoyed it.  I love the idea of a missionary focus.


    I don’t have a blog, but can share what we are using this year. This is for Term 1 and my girls are in grades 3, 1, and K4.


    Math U See Alpha

    SCM Matthew-Acts & Ancient Rome

    Reading: Pathway Readers Busy Times/More Busy Times

    Science/Nature study: 106 Days of Creation and Considering God’s Creation

    Grammar: English for the Thoughtful Child Vol 2

    Handwriting: Penmanship Grade 2 Cursive by Rod and Staff

    Drawing: Drawing With Children

    Poetry: AO online poems

    Spanish: Power Glide Spanish

    Character: Wisdom and the Millers

    Handicraft: baking, sewing, cooking

    Literature: Hans Brinker, The Silver Skates

    I’m hoping to get 8 yr old dd started on piano lessons this semester, after we find a teacher.


    thepinkballerina – We love the Millers books, they are so sweet and many are just the right length for my little ones to love. 


    I enjoy reading curriculum plans from other CMers too.  My blog post is here.  We are using Heart of Dakota’s Creation to Christ this year—-which does use a couple of SCM’s books.  😉




    Well, I posted my plans on here a few weeks ago… but there are a couple of possible changes….

    In short (for 8yo and 5yo)

    Math:- Activities for Al Abacus is liketly what we are doing (Rightstart)

    History:  the Middle Ages (Using Child’s History of the World and various living books)

    Geography: – Europe.  Considering some cartography as well

    Reading – Christian Nature Readers (1 on 1)  Also one indiv lit book each if going well

    Literature – 3 Canadian titles, 3 other titles  (more if it goes fast)…  from the top of my head, Just David, Heidi, Understood Betsy, Owls in the Family……

    Science/Nature study: Originally had a few living books.  Considering a course that an internet friend has written as a part of her Mentoring program…

    Grammar: (8yo only) – Grammarland

    Handwriting: Peterson Directed Handwriting

    Drawing: ? Drawing With Children ?

    Poetry: tbd

    German: Learnables and also Pimsleur  (Have done some Pimsleur previously…)

    Physed: Swimming Lessons at the Y  (and active play)

    Music: Suzuki Violin

    Possibly teaching basic Organ with the 8yo…



    Hey Tristan – funny you posted this – I had just been at your blog earlier and was checking out what y’all were doing this year – looks fun! So, instead of just a 1st grader and a pre-k-er I also have a 4th grader in the mix (cool beans!) and this is what we’re doing:

    Math – RightStart Level B and Level E (probably only part of level E) + SCM Business Math and LOTS of games

    American History – The Story of the Thirteen Colonies (Guerber) + TQ; Ancient History – Stories of the Ancient World (Guerber) and lots of extra reads

    Geography – Africa; plus Map Quest:Ancient World; lots of fun game & puzzle stuff

    German – The Learnables

    Science – Apologia Astronomy

    Grammer/Dictation (4th grader only) – Serle’s PLL and ILL and Spelling Wisdom Book 1

    Literature – Aesop’s Fables, Tales from Shakespeare, Burgess Bird Book, assorted fairy tales for all; Heidi, Little House, some others TBD for the 4th grader

    Picture Study – SCM stuff; Composers – SCM Module 1; Poetry – Robert Louis Stevenson and TBD

    daily Bible readings and scripture memory (would also like to memorize some poetry) plus Hymn study, for character the littles are doing A Child’s Book of Character Book 1 and the older will do Wisdom and the Millers

    I think that’s it…. brain’s a little foggy from the heat Wink




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