I’m thankful that dh is healthy. He had to have his gall bladder out earlier this year, plus we found out he is celiac.
I’m thankful that every Sunday morning ds6.5 says that we are going to church. This past Sunday he wanted to wake up dh so we wouldn’t be late. (He didn’t have to; we had plenty of time).
I’m thankful that my language-delayed 3yo dd is learning new words every day.
I’m thankful that we were able to cover the medical bills from dh’s surgery without going into debt.
*Good health this year (dianosed with reactive hypoglycemia this year but blood sugar levels are not low anymore and had strep throat 4 times, colds, sinus infection, etc all last year!!)
*That God has blessed me with a loving husband and father to our 3 beautiful daughters.
*That our marriage is stronger than it was 11 years ago and still going strong. When you put Christ in the center He blesses!
*That we are free to homeschool in our country! I just love homeschooling and learning along with my girls.
*That the Lord opened my eyes to separate unto Him, and I’m more happy than ever! I love His Word!
*For another year of life to serve Him and love my family. 🙂
Sorry I got tied up with babies last night and couldn’t respond to my own post.
That through severe sleep depravation the Lord carries me and continues to provide for me and makes me able to care for my family.
That through trials He gives me joy in a way that I can be a good example to others and point them to Him.
That He has shown me I can grow in my life through another rough year to have an even stroger marriage, love for Him and my children than I ever thought possible.
That my children are healthy, our middle son has made it through another year without medical complications.
That He continually shows he how the outward me and inward me can be made to match.
The Bible. Though I hardly remember a word I read this year (sleep depravation will do strange things to you) I now more than ever appreciate the ability I have to open it and get lost or rather found in His word. That I am able to legally have a copy in my home to share with my children and other and that it is written in a language I can understand!
I am thankful that God has given me the strength to continue to help my daughter who has been ill for nearly a year now and has also kept us strong as a family. I am thankful that I know He understands when sometimes I flounder and feel despair, He makes it possible for me to be able to pick myself up and keep going. I am thankful for my husband’s new job now that he has retired from the Air Force and for our home and the food on our table. I am thankful for sites like this one who help me keep things somewhat together in times of trial. Linda
I am thankful for a happy, healthy 7month old daughter (who had some serious problems after birth and spent some time in the NICU, but is very well now.) And I am thankful that she was born in a hospital where they could quickly help her, and not in our country of service where it is very likely that she would have died.
I am thankful for God’s provision for our over-the-top medical bills (as a result of the time in the NICU).
I am thankful for Skype and the ability to communicate regularly with family, even though we live overseas (we are missionaries).
I am thankful for the gift of homeschooling and the relationships that it is allowing me to build with my children.
I am thankful that through some of the trials our family has gone through this year, we have seen God’s hand at work, and also for the way it has allowed my husband and I to deepen our relationship and communication skills.
I am thankful that we are coming back to the US for our furlough in January, and the ways that the Lord has been so clearly going before us as we have begun to make plans for our time there.
I am thankful for the dear “Titus 2” woman who has taken the time to share her story with me and help me to learn how to thrive, and not just survive, these years with very young children in my home.
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