So what are the Moms reading for a little Mother Culture these days? Please do come and share with us here!
“We should always have something worth while to think about, that we may not let our minds dwell upon unworthy matters.” ~Charlotte Mason
“We should continually take our minds out of the ‘laundry bag’ of domestic perplexities, and give it a fragrant soaping, a rainwater rinsing, and a sunny airing in that which it keeps growing.” ~Karen Andreola
History of the Ancient World by Susan Wise Bauer (great read)
Blood and Iron: Building the Railway – story about a father and boy who leave China to come to British Columbia in an effort to solve money troubles. Explores living conditions and racial tensions. It’s taken from the journal of the boy and translated – fascinating
Almost finished with “Kim” by Rudyard Kipling (my father was named after the main character in this book) this has taken me a long while to get through!
Just finished reading an easy-read novel called “Daughter of the Loom”. Mainly about how the effects of the industrial revolution affected a young woman and her family when “it came” to her town.
Also slowly reading through a devotional called “Jesus Calling” that is really speaking to me in the area of my personal, intimate relationship with the Lord.
One of the best books I’ve read over the past year was “Same Kind of Different as Me” by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. I also read quite a few “cozy mysteries” that might border on twaddle but they are light enough that they help me go to sleep when my mind is racing. Now my husband and I are about to start building a house (literally us doing it) so construction books are taking up most of our time!
I’m working on Towards a Philosophy of Education in Modern English, CM’s 6th book. Also I’m trying to get through Leviticus. I need to find a fun/twaddly book too! 🙂 In order to read through all CM’s books, my goal is to read 10 minutes a day. So far it’s going well!