Due to a number of reasons, our youngest son returned to Public School just before Christmas 2017. We have just decided at his request that he will not be returning. I planned to fill out the paperwork to get him re-registered for home school before Monday. We do not plan to begin until the following Monday. I am tempted to just re-submit the plan we had for his grade 8 year as a continuation for the sake of simplicity, though we may not use all the resources I had originally planned then.
My son is 14, half-way through 9th grade. Our focus will be on reviewing algebra skills he has not used in over a year, and writing skills, as he struggles with getting his thoughts on paper. We will pick up where we left off with Apologia Physical Science, but our plans for history will change. He has also gained an interest in politics and debating as well as musical theatre over the last year.
What concerns me most is that he must do the majority of his work independently as both my husband and I work full-time. He will be able to come and set up a work place at my office most days I am usually the only one there, and stay home on days that Dad doesn’t work. He is a somewhat distracted young man (ADD), so there needs to be some means of keeping him on track, whether at the office or at home. Check-lists can be helpful, but also overwhelming if there are too many items on the list.
I am wondering if any of you are in similar situations where you homeschool while both you and your spouse work full-time. I would love any tips any of you have any to offer to help older kids/teens keep themselves on track.
I have no experience with homeschooling while working, but I have a friend who does. She has a desk in her office and her son works there while she works. It seems to have worked really well for them.