Well read ladies I need your help! Count of Monte Cristo……Yes or No?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Literature, Poetry, Shakespeare Well read ladies I need your help! Count of Monte Cristo……Yes or No?

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  • Scherger5

    My daughter (16) would like to read The Count of Monte Cristo.  What do you think?  Are there themes I might want to be aware of?  Any opinions, reviews, or insights would be appreciated.




    Yes, yes, yes!  By all means read it.  You’ll want to discuss revenge, but by and large, the book itself settles the issue–i.e. he does not feel satisfied by his revenge in the end.  I’ve seen lots of reviews that pan the book for all kinds of awful stuff, but I must be awfully dumb because I”ve read the book three times and somehow missed it all.  It’s  a ripping good read.  🙂  


    Thank you Bookworm.  I was hoping you would chime in 🙂



    I read it at that age. The movie is good too!


    I am reading it along with my 17 year old daughter.  It’s a very engaging read….especially where we are right now.  It’s taken us all year to read it as we read a little at a time.  My daughter found some series of Monte Cristo on Netflix that is 6 hours long and supposedly true to the book.  We are excited to see it.

    There is marital infidelity, and murdering in the story but it’s written well and not glorified.  It story is good at showing there are consequences to our choices.  And that “secrets” don’t always remain secrets.  I’d say the two biggest themes within the book are greed and revenge.  I’m sure there is more but I’m pretty tired and can’t think straight. 

    My daughter is NOT a reader but she is really enjoying this book.


    When my oldest was about that age we both read it.  I’d consider it a must read.

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