How is it possible for me to enter in assignments completed on a day other than today. I anticipate that sometimes I will forget to enter something (like I did yesterday) but the organizer won’t let me go back and mark those assignments as completed or not. PLEASE HELP! I don’t want all my assignments to be off because I can’t edit last week’s plans!
HI, i will try to help, when you click on the Dailyplan (in your organizer) then select the student and then you will see his list of items that are to be done today, where it says Today (where you click on worked on it or finished) there is an arrow on the left of the circle that you click on and it pulls up the week and a calender to click on other dates too.
Now if your saying the assignment was for yesterday and its not showing up right now (for todays assigment) so that you can click on it then scroll down to the bottom and it says show assigments not scheduled for today and click there and it will bring up other subjects and you click on the little arrow and it will show you the item and then you can click on it the same as the way i explained way above, i hope this makes sense, blessings billiejo
This lets me edit the resource, not edit an individual assignment. I don’t know if I can use a scheduler that can’t allow me to go back and enter data if I forget one day! There has to be a way, right????
Okay, so I figured out how to edit an assignment that is popping up in my “Today’s Schedule” page with the little calendar. That is helpful, and is a step, but I’m wondering how I can actually go back to a day, make a note about something or see that page to enter more detailed information. (For example, I can say that we “worked on” the chapter we’re doing in math, but what if I want to go back and make a note that we did two workbook pages? I don’t usually put little details like that in the actual assignment scheduler because I don’t know where we are going to be in each lesson, but those are details that are nice to go back and add when you actually complete them.)
Click the “not scheduled for today” link, then click Expand all at the top. Where it says Today Assigned, click on the arrow and you can click that it was worked on or completed, if you click on the calendar icon you can input the date that you worked on it. To the right of that is the box where you can make notes about what you did. This all works well as long as you haven’t clicked finished for that assignment.
When the item you want is highlighted, don’t click on the edit schedule or view resource (unless that’s what you want to do), instead click on the actual item to input data–only if you haven’t expanded everything, or want to shrink it.