Want to buy and some history/geography questions

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  • Salina Fedrick

    I am looking to buy Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation and Epistles, and I am wondering if I need to also purchase the Visits To Europe geography as well? I see in the sample download of the history that something else is used, but I didn’t see the Visits to book. Also I would be willing to trade Genesis -Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt plus Visits to Africa if interested.


    The Visits to…is not included in the guide for the Middle Ages. You would need to purchase that separately. If you’re looking for the readers that go along with the Middle Ages guide, I have several for sale, especially for the younger grades/ages. We used the Middle Ages handbook a while back so those are the books I have.

    My email is homeschoolboysx3@aol.com if you’re interested. I may just post what I still have here at SCM, as well, if that’s easier.

    Salina Fedrick

    Hi, thank you. I am wondering if I even need the Visits to Europe, because when I downloaded the sample for the Middle Ages, the geography that was listed in the resources didn’t list it as a resource. My son is 14, so I’m not sure the younger readers would work for him?


    I think some of the guides still have what was included as geography before the Visits to…became a resource. It looks like it’s Around the World in a Hundred Years, by Jean Fritz, is what is used for geography. You could use that instead of the Visits to, I’m assuming.

    Ya, I don’t have any of the higher grade level books, except for The White Stag. I may have the Discovering Doctrine ebook and some of the Louise Vernon books for sale, if you’re interested. I’ve been going back and forth on whether I want to sell them, so let me know if you are interested.


    Karen Smith

    The Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles guide has not yet been revised to include the Visits to geography books. You can use the geography as written in the guide, or substitute a Visits to book. We recommend Visits to South and Central America, Australia book to go with that time period.

    Salina Fedrick

    Thank you, that helps a lot. 🙂

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