Want more kids…Am I crazy?

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  • rheannaprutzman

    I have 5 kids. 3 of my own and 2 stepkids. The boys are 8 and 6 1/2. They are with us every other weekend. The girls are 6 1/2, 4 and 18 months. My 4 yr old is special needs (wheelchair, feeding tube ect.)

    Every time I look at a family picture I count kids, because I feel like someone is missing. 🙂

    I thought I was done when I had my last one, but I just keep feeling like I should have another. And maybe even more than one.

    And not only do I want another one, I want to start trying now! Am I crazy? Part of me thinks I should wait until the baby is a little older. But my excited, impulsive side says I want to do it NOW. LOL..

    Ahhhh darn this baby fever!


    My question would be what does your dh want? Say?

    It’s hard if you are not both on the same page. If he’s not, then I have to say you need to wait on God to place it in his heart (or possibly not). If he is on board then I say let God bless you when he sees it fit into your family. We all know it’s all in His timing not ours anyway.

    And I have 7 children all less than 2 years apart in age (average) but the closests are only 15mo apart. There is not “good” space in my opinion. I just trusted God and my dh as to when it was time or not.

    Praying for you in this area that you and dh will make a decision that is best for both of you!


    Are you crazy? It depends on who you ask…LOL. I say that every child is a blessing and if you and hubby are on the same page then go for it! I just had baby 7, my first with special needs. Spacing – we let God figure that out and most of ours are between 13 and 20 months old when the new baby comes along.

    Sara B.

    Talk to your dh about it.  If he is on the same page, then, no, you’re not crazy!  I am of a quiverfull mindset, so I leave it up to God.  I wasn’t always of that mindset, though – God worked on me through others I met.  Now He’s working on my dh.  Wink  Of course, there’s always the fact that as you get older, your fertility gets lower and lower…  Undecided


    By the world’s standards, yes.  By God’s standards, no.  One hundred years ago, it was seen as abnormal not to have a large family (large usually being 10 or 11 children).  The Bible says children are a blessing, and that they are a reward from God.  I agree with the others about being united with your husband in the issue.  We also have let God give us as He would see fit, we have 5 under 7, then one miscarriage, none with special needs though.  I think the key is being content with what you have whether God gives you many more, or no more.  We don’t try to have lots more, we just take them as they come.  Many of my friends with the same philosophy haven’t been able to have children, or just had several miscarriages.  It makes you very aware that the Lord is the one in charge of the womb.  Enjoy the ones you have, and may God bless you as you seek to honor Him by submitting to your husband and loving your children.

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