wall timeline

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  • bethanna

    I have been searching old posts to find a link to a wall timeline that comes as a poster (or more than one) which can be left intact or can be cut apart and attached end to end to wrap around a room. I think a wall timeline would work better than a family BOC right now. Our dc, ages 6, 4, and 2, are very aware of their artwork that I hang up on the wall so I think they would enjoy that. Does that sort of timeline ring a bell? I had saved the link to my first phone and never wrote it down, then broke the phone…


    I got one like that from Geography Matters several years ago.

    Konos sells lines to hang yourself or a wall chart with all of the century lines printed on it. They also sell character figures or you could make your own or buy them from another company.


    Hope that helps….


    Thanks! The Geography Matters is the one I was thinking of. I have considered making my own but didn’t know how to space it without looking at some example.

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