Waiting for Superman movie – late, I know

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  • missceegee

    I just watched this last night. I know it’s been out for a while; it’s been in my Netflix queue for a long time, but I don’t watch much tv. Anyway, I found it interesting & sad regarding the state of ps. I found myself thankful for the opportunity to teach my kids at home. Just thought I’d plug it for those who may have missed it.



    Finally watched this today because of your post 🙂  My husband used to be a public school teacher and the thing that resonated with us is the way teacher unions are run.  Its mandatory in the districts here to pay their fees (even if you “choose” not to be in the union).  I could go on and on about things the NEA is for that are so against how we want to live and teach our children.  I did feel sad for those families that wanted to do better for their kids, but feel trapped in their situation.  


    Thanks for the reminder. It has been in my Netflix queue for a while. I’ll try to watch it this weekend.

    Christine Kaiser

    It is also available on youtube for anyone who has no Netflix. It is broken up in 12 parts I think each about 10 minutes. That’s how I watched it a few month ago. It was very eye opening and now it makes so much more sense to me why the PS system is broken and there is no light at the end of tunnel.


    My hubby and I watched it a year ago, and we were filled with a range of emotions – anger, frustration, sadness.  Some of those kids’ stories are heartbreaking!  I am also impressed by the courage of some who “go around the system” to try to create something different.  And like you, Christie, I am so thankful to be able to homeschool!

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