Vocabulary from Classical Roots/EFTRU/Wordly Wise….

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Vocabulary from Classical Roots/EFTRU/Wordly Wise….

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    I realize that vocabulary programs might not necessarily be CM-style, but I’d like to make sure we’re developing in this area. Ds 5th has a good vocabulary, but Dd 8th struggles a bit.  I have English from the Roots Up and my plan had been to know all 100 roots well by SAT’s (working on mainly orally together…we’re about 1/4 of the way through).  I also just bought Wordly Wise. That was my plan for next year, but I’ve been reading about Vocabulary from the Classical Roots and like that it’s workbook format for them to do on their own and wonder if this might be better than the Wordly Wise/EFTRU combo. Any thoughts? The kids also do Greek w/dad, but it can be a bit sporadic w/his work schedule. And we use Spelling Wisdom for dictation/spelling.  Thanks for any input! Blessings, Gina


    Gina, ideally I would do Latin, but it won’t happen this coming year, so I figured a roots program would be helpful. Dd12 has a huge vocabulary, but will enjoy this study to see how it comes together. I hate loose pieces and VCR was highly recommended to me, so I chose that. I’ve never felt the need for a regular vocabulary program like WW and all those cards for EFtRU, ugh. I need independent things, too. However, if what you’re doing is working, that’s certainly fine, too.


    I too am in favour of extra work on vocabulary. I was aware when we first began a CM style education that simply talking about new vocab words when they come up in readings was more “the way it’s done”, but my ds10 and ds8 seemed to zone out a bit on these discussions…so I decided to try a workbook format – Wordly Wise – about a year ago. For ds 10 (5th grade) it has gone quite well, though I wouldn’t say it’s completely independent (of course, this may have just been my kid). There are some exercises that tie in bits of grammar, so on those days I would sit and work with him. There are other times where WW really challenges you on the word meanings; in those instances we work together because unless my ds10 is really in the mood to concentrate and work diligently, the WW workbook format makes it easy to just give up, pick an answer and move on. Of course, when that happens (when child is working independently) we just do a little chat/corrections session after he’s done. Having said all this, perhaps the other workbook you are looking at Vocab from the Classical Roots wouldn’t allow for this (?) if the workbook had different formats to the questions.

    For ds8, it has not gone quite as well, he was probably a bit young to begin (even though I started him at a lower level).

    For what it’s worth, when I was at a homeschool conference this past Spring I had a fascinating chat with young lady who had recently completed her first year of college (she was helping out at a booth). I was browsing the Wordly Wise section and she offered to help me, and as we talked I got a great story from her on how she really felt Wordly had helped her with her SATs and how she truly felt that out of all the curriculum during her homeschool years, WW is among “the” ones she feels is being put to good use. (and I really don’t think it was a sales pitch, LOL).

    In short – I guess, like all curricula, there will be variation on what works/what doesn’t, based on the child. Hope this helps a bit! Angie


    Thanks, ladies!

    Christie, has your daughter started VCR? I’ve been reading reviews that it’s pretty dry and was wondering if you found that to be true. I was just flipping through my copy of The Well Trained Mind and it’s rec. there and I like the idea of a workbook format, but really they retain pretty well with EFTRU…as long as I’m disciplined! I’d just prefer a workbook because the kids are generally more disciplined than me if it’s on their list, sad to say!!!  I taught this in our little co-op last year so had to somewhat keep up on it, but we’re not doing the co-op this year. Have you happened to have compared VCR to Critical Thinking Co.’s Word Roots Program? I’m also contemplating their cd….might be more fun for the kids but I haven’t used it or seen it up close.

    Angelina, thanks for sharing your review of WW. Since I already bought it, I’m leaning towards keeping it and making sure I’m disciplined w/EFTRU. Dad gives them Greek roots, too.  Neat to hear the young lady’s experience….I have wondered if WW would be as helpful as a root-based voc. program for SAT’s. So maybe WW plus EFTRU would do the trick…

    I’ve also been thinking of requiring them to use a few new words in their narrations/writing each week.  There are just somany choices out there and I tend to over analyze things sometimes! Thanks for helping me think this through:) Blessings, Gina


    @Gina, it seems we’re in the same boat again!  I’ve been struggling with what to do next year (and it’s almost here!), too.  I have EFTRU (it was .25 at a swap) and I already purchased a few components, then….I started to think about how nice it would be to have my 11yo be more independent in this area and that got the wheels spinning.  My oldest is using Getting Started with Latin (?) on his own and that may last the year, not sure, but I’ll need something else for him.  I don’t know…I need them to be a bit more independent, but that usually means workbook style and I just haven’t decided.

    I did browse Word Roots, again, but still haven’t made a purchase.  I’ve seen WW but have never looked at it close enough to go with it or not. Ugh.


    I think that all vocabulary programs are dry! My only reason to use VCR this coming year is exposure to Latin and Greek roots. We do own the Word Roots cd-rom from Critical Thinking Co. and it’s fine, but we haven’t used it much because we were upgrading computers. I will put it on the new computers and let them use it though. Again my goal is the roots, not vocabulary as my kids have HUGE vocabularies from all of our literature readings. My dd12 will use Book A of VCR and ds9 will use Book 4 of VCR indepently this coming year. I’ve slated 15 minutes twice per week and it won’t take the full year. It will be good exposure for them, though. 

    We also play Rummy Roots and enjoy that. 

    I am no fan of busywork, so if they get it, they can move on. 




    My3boys, it does seem that we’re often figuring out the same things at the same time w/similarly aged kids:) My kids work great independently, but I have to be careful to follow up and make sure they’re not just whizzing through on something like this for it to be worthwhile. I’m thinking about just adding my EFTRU cards to my Scripture memory box so it doesn’t feel like a separate subject (and we’ll be sure to do it:) Then maybe every week or two we could go more in-depth w/making new words, etc.

    Christie, good point…a voc. workbook is never going to be too exciting:) And 30 min./week for something worthwhile is minimal! WW has been pretty painless, but I haven’t noticed dd using new words like my friend’s daughter mentioned. I feel that I either need to be more involved with it, or maybe just require her to use a few words in her writings or something. Or maybe more is sticking than I know. Not sure!!!

    Thanks ladies:) Gina 


    My3boys….have you seen the notebooking pages for EFTRU? I’m considering!  :)Gina




    This actually looks better, and free! Downloads of notebooking pages, tests, a schedule, games:)



    No, I have NOT seen those!!  I will have to have a look-sey ASAP!



    Thanks for that link to Cyncie’s blog, Gina! =)


    Sure, hope it’s helpful! I’m amazed at moms who have the time to create stuff like this and blog it. Way more organized and creative than myself!



    Has anyone used MCT Caesar’s English I or II?


    Christie, I was already thrown that curveball:) In my research on the Well-Trained Mind Forums where above programs were mentioned many moms recommended Caesars English. The overall consent seemed to be great retention, but parent intensive.

    Take with a grain since I haven’t used it:) Gina

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