I was curious if most of you do a specific vocabulary curriculum with your children, or if just the reading they do is enough. My contact teacher is suggesting something called Word Web Vocabulary. It looks good in some senses…but it looks like just one more “thing” that we don’t have time for. Would love to know what other CMers are doing. Thanks!
Unless your child has specifc issues (I know some on the autism spectrum who do) you don’t need this. They will pick up plenty from reading real books. Tell the teacher vocal is covered through copywork or dictation.
Reading lots of great books, both aloud and silently, is the best way to build vocabulary. We use a game called Rummy Roots to start teaching Latin and Greek root words around middle school. That’s the extent of our vocab study in our homeschool.
My daughter has had a wonderful use of vocabulary since she was old enough to talk. I’m convinced it’s from all the reading aloud she was exposed to from birth on.
We don’t hesitate to stop reading when we come across a word whose meaning we are unsure of, so that we can look it up. Cell phones and kindles are great for this. 🙂
We don’t use anything extra for vocab. We have dictionaries handy and use the internet as unfamiliar words come up. Usually, I have my dc tell me what they think a particular word means before we go looking it up (unless I’m at a loss;). We do some Latin and I think that helps, along with all of the great books they read.
Thank you for all your advice…it is basically what we have been doing, but when those outside opinions press in, it is so easy to have doubts! Thanks for your encouragement and confirmation!
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